
Apr 11, 2015 02:10

So... I'm trying to get to sleep and realized I haven't posted in forever...

Update: well, kink_bigbang is posting (although most of them are late).

Also... ALL of you should go and participate in zombie_fest!! April showers bring zombies, don't you know? It's 28 days (at least!) of our favorite scary, smelly apocalypse - come and prompt and post! Fics can be anywhere from 100 words on up!

Work has been beyond crazy the past couple of months. Within the last year, I have been promoted to COO and then our CEO went on an extended vacation where he was only available sporadically the past month and a half... Talk about pressure to be the one in charge completely and making decisions like that. Anyways, if any of you wondered where I was - that's where I was, lol.

Let me tell you one thing I've learned about being in charge - it's fucking lonely. And draining. And completely thankless sometimes. I understand a worker's mentality about it only being a job and wanting to bitch about their boss. I can roll with it. But sometimes, dude. Sometimes... *points to icon*

Between work, symphony practice, choir practice, my dogs, my friends and Crossfit, my life has been full, exhausting and awesome. Crossfit is still going - the longest I've ever stayed with any fitness program. I'm going to start working on my eating habits again to jumpstart my weight loss/fitness even more. Although I have to say - today's (yesterday now, I guess) WOD was informative. Part of it was as heavy as possible kettlebell and then goblet squats (squats with the kettlebell held at your chest)... and my kettlebell that I used for all 4 rounds? Fucking 50 lbs. Seriously. If I didn't understand how far I've progressed in the past year and half, that would fucking do it.

Anyhoo... hope everyone's doing well! Stop by and poke me with a comment! Go to my comms and participate!

I'm... going to bed since I have another WOD in... less than 7 hours, lol. Night all! ♥ *tries to fall asleep*

Crossposted with Dreamwidth here: http://silentflux.dreamwidth.org/228591.html

pimp, update

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