Meme me! snagged from enigmaticblue

Mar 30, 2012 11:37

1. Leave a comment to this post - specifically saying that you would like a letter.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.

I had the letter K... Why is it when you need the useless trivia about movies and books in your head to work, it fails? It took me longer to think of these than it should have.

1. James T. Kirk from Star Trek. What more can I say about this man that fandom hasn't already covered? I love both original and newer versions of Jim - can't wait for the new movie... next summer ;)

2. Harmony Kendall from Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I just love Harmony so much. She always makes me laugh and she reminds me of several people from high school, lol. But there is something magnetic about her character that makes you adore her... especially when she fails at being evil ;)

3. Kaylee Frye from Firefly. I just loved this show, and Kaylee's faith and goodness is part of what made it so amazing. She's funny and beautiful and just a truly lovely person in the midst of all that trouble brought to their ship doors by her crewmates.

4. Ray Kowalski from due South. Ah, CKR. This is when I fell in love with Callum. Seriously. Ray's just so fucked up and so amazingly awesome and hilarious. The pair of RayK and Fraser just makes my day - no matter whether it's in fanfiction or in the show. So much ♥ for this man.

5. Kerowyn from By the Sword by Mercedes Lackey. This is my one literary character that I could think of with the letter K. And what a character she is - strong, defiant, and amazing. Her character in Lackey's Valdemar series kicked serious ass and still managed to be a woman that was real to me as the reader. So many novels I read now that have female characters/soldiers in them lack that quality. If you've never read Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar novels, I'd recommend them - especially By the Sword :)

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