Five Questions Meme... again ;)

Jan 10, 2012 23:46

enigmaticblues asked me the following...

1. If you could make one non-canonical favorite pairing canonical, which pairing would it be, and why?

I would totally choose Benton Fraser and Ray Kowalski from due South. It was one of my first slash fandoms (either my second or third fandom, period), and I just believe the chemistry between them is amazing and the relationship almost writes itself. Both of them were so incredibly invested in their partnership and I just believe that the two of them would make wonderful partners in all aspects of their life. *shrugs*

2. If you could play any (other) instrument, what would it be and why?
Well, I'm trying to teach myself guitar, so I'm not sure that really counts. Really, though it's the best accompanying instrument and the most translatable and transportable and common instrument. Plus I just love the idea of being able to play guitar - I grew up on rock, people ;)

And the trumpet. I've always been blown away by serious jazz and classical trumpet players. Miles Davis is amazing to listen to. But I think the main reason is seeing talented trumpeters live. I think the first one I saw was actually one of my brother's friends - he is amazing. Seriously amazing. And then I searched out jazz trumpeters and then others. The trumpet kind of amazes me how it can sound so warm when it's a brass instrument, and if you're talented, the range of emotion there is gorgeous. *nods*

3. What one person, alive or dead, would you love to spend an evening with?

I would choose my grandmother. She was such a large part of my childhood (my grandparents lived with us) and I never felt like I got a chance to say goodbye. She was an amazing woman - she contracted polio just before the vaccine was released, but in my eyes she never complained about her disabilities. And nothing stopped her from all that she wanted to do. Some of my favorite early childhood memories were from her lap or curled up next to her. I'd love the chance to relate to her as an adult and just see her again. I still miss her sometimes.

4. What do you like most about rounds_of_kink? What made you decide to run/participate in the challenge?

I love seeing what people create for prompts that sometimes are cryptic. Their interpretations are varied and amazing and there has been some really great work on my comm ;) I decided to run the challenge because I couldn't find one that I wanted to participate in that included all my 'kinks'. I use a broad definition of kinks which includes what most consider cliches. And I use it to try and inspire myself to create. It's always so interesting to see what others contribute, and sometimes it's just so off the wall that it inspires you. :)

5. What is the one thing you have to have in a significant other?

More than humor or good looks or social grace, my significant other needs to have kindness. Maybe that's not quite a trait many list at the top, but I definitely do.


If you want to play, comment with "Me too!" and I'll try and figure out questions ;)

Crossposted with Dreamwidth here:


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