Title: Brotherhood and Duty: Solicitous Introductions, Chapter 38/38
Authors: Aaryn/
docs_girl16 & Andrea/
silentfluxRating: NC-17 in some chapters
Claimer: This is our universe, our characters. Period.
Warnings: Slash, het, violence which is in some chapters extreme and may squick you.
A/N: Thanks to
barefoot_starz for re-beta'ing everything for me. I appreciate it greatly.
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Lottie and Grace, and Terry and Dave, all of them damaged, and still trying to better themselves and the others, pull each other through everything that life (and you cruel authors...) throw at them. And even if they already rebounded to "normal", they still have a way to go.
I missed the dogs in the last chapters, but I'll save the complaints for when/if they don't appear in the sequels (you said there would be, didn't you? pretty pleeeeease?) :D
I'll stop rambling now, just one last thing:
But, hell, it’d been fun while it lasted.
I agree with Ryan completely, it's been a lot of fun, but... I thought he was the sane one!
PD: I thought about leaving feedback on each chapter, but I guess every one would have read "Wow! next? yes!" or similar.... sorry...
*smirks* I know we're cruel - but that's what makes it fun! And yes, there are sequels :) I promise. As soon as I get them beta'd and broken into chapters I'll start posting again :)
And wait...you thought Ryan was sane? *coughs* Umm... yeah. *runs off*
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