Do you like the internet? I know I do. You probably do too, since you're on LiveJournal. Well guess what? The internet providers, such as the cable companies and phone companies are wanting to limit or completely halt your ability to access certain sites, like Google, MySpace, Slashdot, Livejournal, Digg, Yahoo, or anything else that they either a) Don't want you seeing or B) Don't have a monetary interest in.
Congress has already struck down the idea of keeping the Net Neutral once, and I'm sure if given the chance, they'll do it again unless they see reason to let the bill pass.
If you care about the internet being FREE (as in liberty, not cash), then inform yourself and contact your congressperson. Let them know that this is a BAD idea!
The video above has an excellent explanation of what this is really all about (hosted by a cute girl). Watch it before it disappears when the Companies get their way
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digg story