wtf, I wrote Domlijah?

Jan 04, 2007 11:56

Domlijah porn, no less! And not just the vague kinda stuff I usually write, either. O.O I'll probably post that a bit later. Elijah's a bit a lot of a bastard though. And there is Monaboyd in it, just none of the porny kind.

In school news:

Scriptwriting class is sooooo awesome. The prof is really cool (and he's won an Academy Award, I think!) and it looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun. And I'm even ahead of  the game a bit because I already have the script-formatting software!

Cinematography is slightly less awesome, but still really cool. Dunno how exactly the class is going to be structured yet.

LotR - I'm not as behind as I thought!!! Yayness. Apparently only Tiffany one person had the assignment to do chapters 8-11 and the rest of us weren't notified. So that's very nice. And I'm also teaching the class tomorrow. (Tiffany, if you're reading this, we are still having the vocab quiz!)

Bio - still behind. still sucks. don't wanna talk about it.

In less exciting news, I'm feeling the beginnings of a sore throat. *headdesk* I don't wanna be sick.

eta: I'm surprised there's nothing at cafepress that says "Where there's a whip, there's a way." I want that on a shirt. >.< I've had that line stuck in my head for about three days, but I don't have the song, so I can't listen to it. Does anybody have the WWS version?

school, posting, class: comm 260, class: comm 216, writing, rl

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