I resolve to stop cut down on my procrastinating!
I spent today sleeping until almost noon and lounging around, doing absolutely nothing. Even though I have class tomorrow and Wednesday and Friday that I need to get ready for. I'm off to a good start with that resolution, aren't I?
I'm very excited about resuming RunAway, now that the holidays are over, and I have about a three-and-a-half-chapter head start so hopefully I won't fall behind again. Be prepared for angst, people. Maaaajor angst.
Um, besides all of that, Happy 2007 everybody, and may it bring you all sorts of good things and Monaboyd love.
Oh, ps: does anybody watch Wildfire?
Kerry should've DIED OMG. And Jean and Pablo, well, I never liked them. Dani's a cross between evil and adorable, and Kris should totally pick Jr over Matt.
eta: damn, i didn't make it before midnight. ah well, it'll just be the "second of the year" post.