the answers to the poll/quiz

Nov 29, 2006 15:31

which I realized I never posted. oops. so, here they are.

After leaving the house for a robotics demo, I realized I had forgotten to bring the robot, and we had to turn around and get it.
0 (0.0%)

I once kissed a guy called Josh while Michael Kaeshammer was practicing onstage before his concert .
1 (25.0%)

I once kissed a guy directly after he'd kissed a friend of mine.
1 (25.0%)

I'm currently lusting over a happily married man who's about fifteen years older than I am.
0 (0.0%)

I've acted in a play.
2 (50.0%)

After leaving the house for a robotics demo, I realized I had forgotten to bring the robot, and we had to turn around and get it.

Nobody voted for this, because it does seem like something I would do, doesn't it? *g*

I once kissed a guy directly after he'd kissed a friend of mine.

True, actually. As slutty as that sounds. He wasn't a good kisser, though, so it was completely worthless and mostly disgusting. >.< Tiff, you voted for this one; dunno if you've met him, but it was me, Auggie, and Erin.

I'm currently lusting over a happily married man who's about fifteen years older than I am.

I'm not sure whether to be surprised that nobody voted for this or not...

I've acted in a play.

hee!! This one's true. It was a long time ago, but it did happen. And if I could get over my stage-fright, I imagine I'd be an alright actress. :P

I once kissed a guy called Josh while Michael Kaeshammer was practicing onstage before his concert .

This is the lie. It's very close to the truth, but it didn't actually happen. Unfortunately. >.< I almost almost almost kissed him, but didn't at the last second. Stupid me.


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