Fic: What I Want

Feb 18, 2013 20:36

title: What I Want
pairing: Harvey/Mike
rating: NC-17
words: 2159
warning: BDSM, Dom/Sub, Office Sex, Blindfolds, Gags, Humiliation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Comeplay
summary: It didn’t matter that the office was utterly empty, that all the lights were off except those in Harvey’s office, Mike still felt exposed and on display, standing naked in a room with glass walls.
disclaimer: Very untrue. Don't google yourself. Don't pass this along to anyone involved.
a/n: This is for sulwen. She and I had a little challenge today: write each other a 1.5k fic based on a vague prompt. She wanted Harvey being dominant, so I pretty much had free rein. I did fail at limiting myself to 1.5k, though. Oops. The fic she wrote for me, Smooth As, also exceeded that wordcount, and it is Jeff/Jensen for my prompt of shaving, and can be found here. (It's super hot and sweet, check it out.)

read it on ao3

tv: suits, nc-17, fic

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