I've seen this meme a couple of times on my flist. Looked like fun. Here we go. :)
Six pairings I like:
1) Frank/Gerard
2) Adam/Tommy
3) Adam/Brad
4) Adam/Tommy/Brad
5) Frank/Jamia
6) Frank/Lindsey
Three pairings I've abandoned:
7) Ron/Hermione
8) Fred/George
9) Billy/Dom
Three pairings I have never really liked:
10) Frank/Mikey
11) Harry/Draco
12) Mikey/Ray
Two pairings that have piqued my interest:
13) Tommy/Isaac
14) Adam/dominant!OMC
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
(Harry/Draco) I mostly just don't like Harry. I've read it a few times, though, because if ever a pairing had good hatesex, it was these two.
2. Who do you know that ships #13?
(Tommy/Isaac) idk that anyone really ships them hardcore. I'm just glad a few fics have been written so far! They are adorable.
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
(Adam/Brad) omg. Anything involving exhibitionism, Adam being posessive, BDSM (because you KNOW they were not vanilla), and Brad getting bruised and bitten. I'm so open to anything with them, though. NEED MOAR BRADAM FIC.
4. What is your favorite moment for #1?
(Frank/Gerard) Hmmm. Probably the kiss when they were being heckled and called fags, and Frank just went up to Gerard and totally interrupted his singing by shoving his tongue down Gerard's throat. The other epic kiss was pretty great too, though, because Gerard pulled Frank's hair and that's a kink of mine. They have lots of awesome moments besides that. It's hard to choose.
5. How long have you been following couple #6?
(Frank/Lindsey) lol umm... for a while I was just into the MCR boys, but once I got into the wives as well, Frank and Lindsey seemed liike a really... matched pair, let's put it that way. Gerard has a type. :P
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?
(Fred/George) I haven't totally stopped caring. If I were to write HP fic again, it'd be with these two. I just kind of drifted away from HP (and LOTRips) fandoms. I still go back and reread some of my favorite fics once in a blue moon.
7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?
(Adam/Tommy or Adam/Tommy/Brad) Hmmm. There's way more awesome A/T fic than there is any fic with Brad involved. But man, if Adam/Tommy/Brad was a bigger thing in fandom... I'd be all over that. ALL OVER IT. Just sayin'.
8. You have the power to make one ship nonexistent. Choose #10 or #12
(Frank/Mikey or Mikey/Ray) FRANK/MIKEY. I still like Mikey/Ray as a background pairing sometimes, I'm just not really interested in them. But I can't really read Frank/Mikey unless it's like... by one of my favorite authors or something. And that wouldn't really happen because most of my favorite authors feel the same way, lol.
9. What interests you about #14?
(Adam/dominant!OMC) I'm way into Adam as a really toppy top (or even a Dom), but I've read a few fics now that successfully (for me) turn the pairing on its head. It's harder for me to read that role reversal with someone like Tommy or Brad, because to me, their dynamic with Adam is pretty blatant and it just reads as OOC to me. But with an OMC, it's a lot easier for me to accept and enjoy.
10. When did you stop liking #7?
(Ron/Hermione) Probably when I discovered slash. Sorry, Hermione!
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?
(Billy/Dom) Not at all; I'm still a HUGE LOTR fan and I still adore all the fellowship actors and how they've stayed connected over the years. I haven't totally abandoned B/D fic, either; it's just... very very low on my priorities at the moment. I still love them, and I still follow both of them in real life, but I don't really read fic about them anymore unless I get the urge to reread something old.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #1?
(Frank/Gerard) Prison. Also, now, DESTROYA. (both of them moaninggggg)
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Adam/Tommy or Adam/Brad, OR, best of both worlds, Adam/Tommy/Brad (there seriously needs to be more people writing this threesome besides me, omg). idk if I can decide between Tommy and Brad, though. Hey, how about a pairing I didn't mention (but definitely needs to be written more), Tommy/Brad! lol
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Frank/Mikey. It's the only one I'd probably click out of a fic for. Although if a fic was solely focused on Mikey/Ray, I'd probably click out too, but just based on lack of interest, not because I dislike them.
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Frank/Gerard and Adam/Tommy, omg. Needs to happen. Gerard and Adam can be fabulous together, and Frank and Tommy can make snarky comments and compare tattoos, and Frank can feel superior because he reads way more books than Tommy. Tommy wouldn't really care, though, because at least he gets kissed almost every night in their show. Frank would be jealous.
16. Have #5 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
(Frank/Jamia) Considering they've recently had twins, I'm thinkin' yes. :DDDDD FAVORITE RL OTP. They've been together a long fucking time, too. I want some early days Frank/Jamia fic.
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
(Adam/Tommy/Brad) In my world, it does. Though I'm totally cool with an angsty, jealous, everybody gets heartbroken ending too, as long as nobody's a total villian. But think of how glorious a happy ending with all three of them would be...
18. What would make you start shipping #14?
(Adam/dom!OMC) I kind of ship Adam/Damien, now, which is
Minxie's OMC. I think Damien's the most successful OMC I've read in this scenario with Adam. There haven't been a ton, though.
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer: #2 or #6?
(Adam/Tommy or Frank/Lindsey) Adam/Tommy, fuck yes, pleeeeease, universe, let me have it.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
(Frank/Mikey) They break up (it's mutual) and Frank gets with Gerard, and Mikey's totally happy with that and is still Frank's bff and they all hang out. \o/
IN OTHER NEWS: I am almost almost almost done with this quarter. Spring break starts Tuesday night for me, with a flight home. \o/ I'm excited. I just gotta get through a final exam today, then that's basically it! Besides just going to the last couple classes. Also, a play I wrote is going to be performed on my school's radio station on Sunday night. I'll have more details about that soon, if you'd like to tune in. :)