stuff stuff stuff

Aug 16, 2010 11:00

so I had that FIRST mock tournament/filming thing! besides staying up until 2am and then waking up at 6:30, it was great! it didn't quite go how I expected it to, but I think we got some good footage that we can work with, and I was pretty impressed overall that we managed to MAKE a tournament with only about 100-150 people, since usually there are like, a LOT. there was this one dude that was seriously cute, one of the filming guys who volunteered, and he had an awesome hat and knew his shit about film, and we were flirting pretty hardcore all day, and I finally had to ask how old he was, just to make sure I wasn't hitting on a 17 year old or something. not that anything's gonna happen since uh, I'll probably never see him again but whatevs, flirting is fun.

and yesterday I went with my family to my dad's company picnic, and wow, they really went all out this year (more than the past few years, anyway). there were motorcycle people (crazy jumping CRAZY people) and the seattle knights group, who did jousting and swordfighting and that was really cool even though it looked very rehearsed. lol. I got sunburned, which was not cool. this is why I wear long sleeves all the time. :(

today we're taking my sister to college, which is on the other side of the mountains, so it's like 5 hours there and 5 hours back. so we're staying with her tonight and proooobably tomorrow night too. I'm kinda blah about it because I probably won't get any time online. :( :( :( but I will have my phone.

and I know a couple people have found it already, but I put my name in this meme! I haven't commented to anybody yet; I was planning on doing that this morning but I guess that'll have to wait. so... yeah. sorry. I have things to say to you! just not yet.

the ❝ that's my favorite!❞ meme

and maryangel200 gave me actor and actress names for that other meme, but I don't have time to figure out all my favorite movies of them so that meme will have to wait too. I'm literally typing this while packing my sister's clothes. ugh I hate going out of tooooown. :( :( :(

here's some adam/tommy hotness to make this post a little happier.

adam lambert, work, tommy joe ratliff, rl, meme, random

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