May 07, 2010 23:16

I discovered today that my lj birthday was on on the 5th. I don't really pay attention to these things, but a couple of you just celebrated lj anniversaries and I wanted to check when mine was, and I was surprised that it was just now. I've had this journal for four years, as of two days ago, and I've grown so much in that time. I got it so I could post lotrips fic, and even though I've moved on, I still can't quite let go of that fandom. I've met some incredibly talented, intelligent, creative people in lotrips and now in bandom, and it's been amazing. I've learned so much from you all, and I feel priviledged to have you all in my life. My experience with lj has been wonderful, and I honestly can't imagine leaving. I'd miss you all too much! Seriously, you're some of the greatest friends I have and I'm so thankful that we can all share our lives with each other like this. I love you guys.

lj, love, fandom

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