Okay, so I read
Learned Your Name Without Words this morning (Frank/Bob, read it if you haven't), and it got me thinking thinky-thoughts about amnesia fics and what I like.
Usually, I don't really go for amnesia fics. Like, I enjoy them and I will read them, but it's not often that I actually seek them out or anything. But when I read the description of this one in mcshearts ("Frank and Bob are together but Bob forgets it every night when he goes to sleep. He remembers everything but their relationship.") I thought, It's going to be a fic about Frank and Bob in a long-term relationship, and Bob wakes up one day and forgets. That will be heartbreaking, because they are in love and together and a real couple. Kind of like that one episode of Torchwood, with all their flashbacks of joining Torchwood, and Owen's girlfriend can't remember things. I found that epically sad (even though in that case it was just his name she couldn't remember, not him).
Well, it's not quite like that. When I realized that the first time they have sex in that fic is the first time they have sex ever, it kind of turned me off. Not enough to stop reading, obviously, and I loved the fic once I was done, but it wasn't what I expected and it wasn't what I wanted. This fic was kind of different, with the whole Groundhog Day type thing, but the sort of trope that most amnesia fics (that I've read) follow is one person loses their memory, and during the course of trying to get it back or move on or whatever, they fall in love, or they realize their love for each other, or whatever, but the relationship is new since the amnesia. I haven't really read much that focuses on an established relationship and someone losing their memory.
That kind of happens to Lindsey in
Love: The Package Deal (which I hope you've all read), where Gerard just reverts back to before they were in a relationship, and as awesome and amazing as all the Frank angst is in that fic (and it is), I really love the parts about Lindsey and Gerard not remembering being married to her, because man, that hurts.
I don't know if you know this about me but I really like angst. Really. Really a lot. I'm not entirely sure why I like one kind of amnesia fic so much more than the other, but I think it might have to do with the angst level. With an established relationship, there's something lost that they have to regain, and losing a relationship like that is so very sad, whereas with a developing relationship, it's all new, even if the feelings were there before the amnesia, and the angst doesn't quite measure up. I wish there were more amnesia fics with established relationships, because that's so heartbreaking when done well.
So yeah, if anyone knows any fics like that, DIRECT ME TO THEM, because that is something I didn't realize I was craving. I'm pretty sure there was one or two lotrips fics that had amnesia like that, but now I can't find them because I'm an idiot and didn't have an amnesia tag on delicious until just now. *facepalm* Does anyone else have thoughts about this?
I don't know why I just rambled for three paragraphs about amnesia fics. I really need to be taking a shower and reading The Frogs and getting ready to leave in an hour and a half. D: