boring day

Feb 15, 2010 21:15

First of all, ART AGAIN. I kinda finished that Gerard/Mikey VMan sketch. Tried to fix Gerard a little, though probably not enough. And what is up with Gerard's GIGANTIC HAIR in that picture? Mikey's not nearly as easy for me to draw as Gerard is, for some reason, so he's kind of crap. At least this time I had an eraser and a pencil sharpener. Again, click for bigger.

Anyway, today was pretty boring. I made the trek out to CVS for blank DVDs, and then I just came back and played a million rounds of sudoku while halfheartedly cleaning my desk and listening to The Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks by Christopher Brookmyre, narrated by Billy Boyd. I highly recommend this book (this audiobook especially, because BILLY! He does really great voices!). I think it's awesome. It's about a psychic and trying to figure out if and how he's tricking people, and it kind of delves into science vs religion as well, which I enjoy but may not be to your taste if you're really religious. But I can't really do much while I'm listening to audiobooks, I pretty much have to sit there and listen otherwise I can't pay attention. Hence the sudoku and finishing that drawing. I have about an hour of the book left to listen to.

After everybody gets back from improv (at 11, I think), we're going to film really quick (REALLY QUICK, OMG I FUCKING HOPE) and then I have to dash across town to the library and edit and burn a DVD (probably until the library closes at 1am). And I have to figure out how to return equipment at 7pm tomorrow when I have class from 5-7:30. They might possibly take it at 4:30 after my previous class, but idk. And if not, I have to leave class early. UGH I HATE THE CAGE.

mikey way, scad, gerard way, billy boyd, school, to do list, rl, art

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