Patrick Wolf - Seattle Concert (part 2)

Jun 09, 2009 20:21


The band played Kriespiel, and then Patrick came out and they went right into EITHER Oblivion or The Messenger (I CAN'T REMEMBERRRR >.<). I didn't record either of these, and I only recorded snippets for several of the others, because I thought the audio capabilities on my little camera were way worse than they apparently are, and I thought the audio would blow out, so I only recorded quieter parts of the songs.

Then they played a song I didn't really know, and youtubers have informed me that it was Bluebells, which I've only heard once or twice before. I recorded two snippets of that:

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Someone else at the show apparently recorded the full song, though. It's here:

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Patrick played the outro to that and went directly into Damaris, so I recorded the intro to that. (But because I was still thinking the audio would blow out, I stopped recording when the other instruments kicked in.)

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But then I couldn't resist and I started recording again, because I absolutely love this song, and I wanted to catch the part where he drops to his knees.

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That other person at the show recorded the full song, which is here:

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After that he talked about not being able to fit a real piano on the tiny stage, and he had to make do with this crappy piece of plastic masquerading as a keyboard. It was quite amusing. So then, the beginning of Blackdown (but again, once the second half of the song kicks in, I stopped recording. >.<).

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He played another song I didn't know (or had only heard once or twice before), The Libertine. I recorded just a snippet of that so someone could identify it for me. I really loved the violin melody.

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Then he started Tristan and I flipped out because I LOVE THIS SONG, and so I recorded the full thing. Also because he was daaaaaancing. *_____* This video also includes him introducing the next song, Battle, which I also recorded.

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Then, BATTLE. I love this song, and it was really cool when he started doing the Seattle-attle-attle-attle parts, and the Proposition 8 parts. This one got everyone pretty hyped up, and I was like, screaming along with him, and it was AWESOME.

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Then (I think I have at least a snippet of all the songs, so I'm pretty sure this is the entire setlist) he introduced Who Will?, and that's like, my FAAAAAVORITE song, so I recorded the whole thing.

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He brought out his dulcimer, and he asked the audience if we knew what it was, and pretty much everyone shouted the name, and Patrick was like YES! And he chatted about that a little, and it was a little weird at one point because when the woman in the back shouts to him, she was standing like, RIGHT NEXT TO ME, and I was like haha he's looking over heeeere. *___* So this is Theseus, but I only recorded a snippet of it. But y'know what's really aewsome? Apparently this other person at the show recorded full songs of most of the ones I only recorded snippets of! So after mine is the full version of Theseus. AND IT INCLUDES HIS TALK BEFOREHAND, which I originally typed up what I could remember, but it's much better to just listen to him talk.

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After that, Patrick brought out his electric guitar for Hard Times.

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I think this is the point he went on to talk about his costume, how it's the Union Jack and just drained of all color and passion and stuff (or maybe that was before Hard Times, yeah, I think so. ANYWAY.) That was his last song! And so he said thank you and stuff, and then they all went offstage! THE CROWD WENT FUCKING NUTS.

My dad was standing near me again by this point, and he pulled me down (he was on the floor and I was on the raised part) and shouted in my ear that they're only technically allowed to play until midnight; I checked my phone and it was 11:59. But the crowd was going absolutely batshit crazy, and pounding their feet and clapping in sync and shouting PATRICK PATRICK PATRICK PATRICK and screaming and everything, and then HIS BAND CAME OUT, and everyone continued to go crazy. I figured they took so long because they were discussing/arguing with the venue people about going out for an encore.

So then his band played a little bit without him and we were all WAAAAAAITING and it took a really long time, and I wasn't sure when Patrick was going to come out, so I started recording a few times but seriously, the band played for like, a few MINUTES, so these clips are pretty short. Two seconds long, fifteen seconds long, and twelve seconds long.

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And by this point, I kept noticing the drummer looking over sidestage and figured that it was taking so long because Patrick was CHANGING COSTUMES. AND I WAS RIGHT. BECAUSE THEN HE CAME OUT AND PLAYED VULTURE:

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SEXY SEXY SONG. The water bottle over his head? The ripping the beads off? IT WAS REALLY HOT.

That other person got a video of it too, but I think mine is longer. Still, for completion, here ya go:

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Then, for the finale, he introduced The Magic Position. I flipped out again, 'cause I love that song too.

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The end is when my camera ran out of memory, I was kind of sad, but after this, he only introduced the members of his band and went through that chorus once or twice more, and then that was it. He and the band disappeared and the crowd went crazy, but we knew it was over this time. We all filtered outside, and on the way to the car, I twittered:

12:15am - Holy crap that was amazing.

I wanted to say HOLY SHIT THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING, but my mom and sister follow that twitter, so I couldn't go as crazy as I wanted to. hahahaha

I don't know where these talky bits fit into the set, but he took up a fair amount of time talking, and I took a few notes on what he said.

At one point near the beginning he asked the audience if "that song sounded a little rumbly to you?" and we said yes and he said yes, and he looked at the sound guy, and the sound guy said something, and Patrick was like WELL IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM! and then he turned back to us and said "Yes, I am a diva." So then he started on a mini-rant about the words "diva," "primadonna," and "flamboyant." I forget what he said about diva, but he said primadonna just means first lady, and flamboyant means you're expressing yourself and being passionate and original, and he said all these were good things and he took them as compliments, and that everyone should want to be called those words. Then he said, "This isn't directed at you, just at journalism in general." hee!!

Another early-on comment: he started to say "fucking" and cut himself off, saying "oh, this is an all-ages show" and that he didn't want to get arrested or anything. He said they gave him this whole list of rules of stuff he could and couldn't do/say, and nudity wasn't allowed and stuff, and the audience was very amused, lol.

When he talked about just getting into the US - side note, I hadn't realized this was their first day in the US, I thought they started in Vancouver and came down to Seattle for their second show. Apparently it's Seattle, THEN Vancouver... - and he said something about Dallas, TX (I forget what that conversation was about), and he said it'd take like, three hours to get there. And everyone started laughing, and he was like >:\ LOL I DON'T KNOW, OKAY! and it was quite adorable. He said he was all thrown off because the flight from New York to SeaTac seemed to take like, 12 hours.

He went into a looooong story about Britney Spears, which I found amusing because he totally unironically loves Britney Spears. He talked about not liking arena shows because the people onstage are like little ants, and he much prefers these little, intimate venues, but someone (his manager? idk) gave him tickets to the Britney Spears show in London or something, and he was like, searching around trying to find his seat, and he was in the FRONT ROW, and he was like AWESOME! He talked a bit about her show, and how she was dancing a lot but only sang a little bit, and for one song, they were like, SINGING TO EACH OTHER, and he was completely adorable about the whole story. He went on about the spotlight going on him, and the next day there was a headline in the paper that was like PATRICK WOLF ATTENDS BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT, lol.

He then realized he was using up valuable time and he turned to one of the venue guys and was like "how much time do I have?" and then "AS LONG AS I WANT? That's a dangerous thing to say." HAHAHAHA, yesssss, talk foreverrrrr, Patrick. ♥_____♥

Ah, I remember how we started talking about that. He apologized for not having his Britney Spears headset mic, and then talked about her, then went back to apologizing for the lack of mic, but said they were expensive in the US, and not as expensive in the UK. And then as he got ready for... Hard Times, maybe, when he was getting his guitar ready, he started singing a little bit of a Britney Spears song. LOL

None of my pictures are very good, so I'll just give you a link to the album. But I wanted to point out these two (as always, click for full-size):

This is Cody, the guitarist from Jaguar Love. HORRIBLE PICTURE, I KNOW, but yeah, that's him at his merch table. This was after Johnny had disappeared, so I couldn't get a picture of him. For a while, Cody was leaning against the barrier RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, like I could have touched his hair if I moved my hand, but he didn't stay there very long.

This is two of the Plastiscine girls, the singer, Katty, in the shiny rainbow shirt and blonde hair, and either the guitarist, Marina, or the bassist, Louise, standing around and chatting in French, watching Patrick's show.

That other youtuber seems to have also attended the Vancouver concert the next night. I haven't watched any of those videos yet, but there ya go. I'd be interested to know how much the setlist changes (if at all), especially since one of the things in that Nylon zine said that in order to keep shows fun for the bands, change up the setlist every night. I don't know if Patrick does that or not.

music, picspam, vidspam, concert review, patrick wolf, twitter

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