fic, lotms, journal, etc.

May 24, 2009 02:45

1. GO READ THE  THIRD INSTALLMENT OF  UNHOLYVERSE. and if you haven't read Unholyverse, GO DO THAT. It is by bexless and it is amazing and owns my soul. Even if you're not into bandom at all, you should read this fic. It is seriously that amazing. It's like C-verse for lotrips, only with less kinky sex. hahaha

2. I don't think I posted about this (though I twittered/facebooked/flailed at people in gchat), but I FINALLLLLLLY finished writing my BBB fic. Yeah, I know it's almost the end of the month, shut up. IT WILL GET EDITED, I SWEAR. Just.... very very quickly. :\ BUT IT'S DONE, and that's the point, and it's something like 57k and it's EPIC, OKAY, and I am still in love with it and cannot WAIT for you guys to read it.

3. I reinstalled my drivers and managed to fix my audio and DVD-player computer issues. THEREFORE: LOTMS TONIGHT. It was great, and the video wasn't even jumpy and stuttery. I LOVE THIS BAND.

4. I touched a couple numbers in the CSS for my journal layout... um, without really paying attention, and I fucked it up somehow. D: I'M SORRY. I need to fix it, it's driving me crazy, but I can't remember exactly what I did..... SO, in the next... week two weeks, once I'm out of school, I'm going to seriously look at it in Dreamweaver and do stuff that actually works instead of tweak shit by hand when I don't even know what I'm doing. Oh, and I totally downloaded DW CS4, which is sort of awesome. But yeah, okay, until then, I know I have my custom comment pages turned on and stuff, so I'm sorry. :( It will be fixed soon.

5. Somebody kick my ass to the drawing studio tomorrow. I meant to go today but then OMGUNHOLYVERSE and I kind of freaked out and danced around my room squealing (luckily I don't have a roommate anymore, jeez) and completely blew that off. So, drawing tomorrow, film shoot Monday (and probably drawing Monday afternoon) and then class Tuesday (and probably drawing in the afternoon, or editing) and then my grandparents will BE HERE ON WEDNESDAY. So shit, David and I need to move my shit into the storage thingy. BUT OMG SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE. Thursday's my last day, and then I'm heading back to Atlanta for like a week or something. FUCK YES.

6. I still have 2 Dreamwidth invite codes. Comment or send me a message with your email address if you want one.

scad, recs, mafiafic, bandom, school, to do list, rl, writing, lj, dw, bbb

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