icon meme!

Apr 25, 2009 15:29

this is the one where people choose 6 icons and I talk about them. so comment and ask me to pick 6 of your icons!

giddy_london asked about these:

superhappy dom, by me
this is my go-to fangirl icon. I think it started out as a chat icon, and then I loved it so much I eventually uploaded it to lj. I use it when I'm really really fangirly or giddy or superhappy or whatever, because that's pretty much the face I make when I'm in that mood. I love how Dom just doesn't even care, he's just really awesomely happy and smiley and I just love it. I also think that he was really really pretty at that event.

movie script ending, by eloquentice_i
I really wanted a Gerard/Lindsey icon. this is also (usually) my go-to icon for het posts (unless I use my Frank/Jamia one), and also for comment threads with Tony. the keywords are a.... Death Cab for Cutie title, I think, not actual lyrics... I'm not entirely sure, lol. but I love how they're having a totally romantic-ish movie kiss, and they're so pretty, and I love them to death. also, my attempts at iconing this photo failed, which is why I used this version. I'm a fan of icons without a lot of extra crap, and when the colors aren't bugging my eyes out (like that style with the red intensity brought up... I don't like that.). it's saturated more than the photo, but not too much.

mikeyway, by eloquentice_i
all of the icons not by me are by eloquentice, because I desperately needed some bandom icons and that was the first place I looked. I needed a Mikeyway icon, and I love this style on him, with the beanie and the glasses and the swoopy hair and the girly coat buttoned up to his chin. ILHIM. I kind of want a different Mikey icon, maybe one with Alicia, because this one's pretty plain and he's so :| :| :| that it's sometimes hard to use? but I still love the colors and composition, so for now I'm keeping it.

hopeless romantics, by me
keywords from Frank's tattoos. they are my FAVORITES, okay, I can't even pretend otherwise, not even in the face of Gerard and Lindsey's amazingness and Mikey and Alicia's adorable schmoopiness. Frank is my favorite and he is so HEAD OVER HEELS in love with Jamia that I can't even deal. I love them so much, and they just happen to look adorable together. I'm not 100% happy with how this icon came out, I think I could've done a little better on the colors and the heart, but it works, and I like to stare at it sometimes, and I use it for lovey-dovey posts or comment threads with Tony, usually. :P

we'll love again and we'll laugh again, by me
I finally had a bunch of bandom icons uploaded, and then I realized I didn't have ANY of Gerard and Frank together. this one isn't even that slashy, but it's them together, which is a start. this will ALWAYS ALWAYS be professor!Gerard/bartender!Frank to me, with Frank out of his element and clingy and unsure, and Gerard finally coming out of his shell and being all proud of showing Frank off.... okay, rambling. WE NEED TO WRITE THE AU, GIDS. anyway, I love this picture for that reason and the fact that the background is all swoshy all on it's own (no photoshop effects there, people; I wish I could do shit like that...) and it's just really crisp and kind of modern. I guess I use this one for slashy posts, or for best-friend type posts. eventually, I do want an icon of them that's ACTUALLY slashy, though. lol &THEM;

dance, by me
I'm pretty sure this is the oldest icon I have. I think it's also the first icon I made that I'm actually proud of. I made a few others of Dom in that batch, I think, but now that I look back on them, they're such crap. but I still like this one. I think I might've gone back in waaay later and touched up the coloring on his face, though, 'cause it was getting washed out by the bright colors behind him. ANYWAY, I use this icon for music posts, pretty much, or when I'm satisfied with something. dance, Dommie, dance. I really adore that event, RotK Tokyo, I'm pretty sure it was, with the hat and the eyeliner and the jacket with the patch on the front, and he was just so... Dom-ish, I can't even describe it. I still adore him.

OKAY, so, comment if you want me to pick icons! I love looking at people's icons and hearing them ramble.

meme, icons, random

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