bandom icons!!

Jan 16, 2009 00:24

I desperately needed some, so I MADE SOME! I'm still kinda looking around, but the ones I've uploaded will do for now.

SO, 33 icons for you, Gerard and Frank. And a couple of Gerard&Frank. There's actually one more, but for some reason, photobucket thinks it's an invalid file type, and it's NOT, it's exactly the same as all the others, so wtf. So here's just the 33. Next up are a ton of Frank and his guitar, and of Frank and Gerard kissing (ohyes). These are in rows of 2, 3, and 4; there are supposed to be blank spaces there, don't worry. I'll edit this post if I get that missing one uploaded.


You know the etiquette: comment and credit me in the description if you steal.

I'm going to a "Motion Picture Studio Management and Strategy Seminar" tomorrow and Saturday, from 9am-6pm, so I hope to god it lives up to my expectations. It's cutting down on my four-day weekend! I was gonna do homework! Ah well, if it's boring, I'll just write the whole time. lol

eta: um, what the fuck? the bus doesn't even go to Arnold on weekends?!? THAT'S JUST SHIT. UGH. I almost hope the seminar is crap so I won't want to go back on Saturday.

frank iero, mcr, gerard way, bandom, icons

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