need laptop advice

Jul 06, 2008 15:15

f-list, I need your help. Well, your opinions and advice, anyway. Specifically, those of you who have laptops. I'm looking for a laptop to take to school with me and I don't know what kinds of things I really need it to have.

What I use a computer for: writing, mainly; messing around with photoshop and a few hi-res pictures; watching DVDs/video files; surfing the internet. So, no graphics-intensive games, nothing like that. What I'm not sure about is how good at multitasking I need it to be; I multitask with Word documents and Internet Explorer windows, but not usually a bunch of different programs at the same time... So I'm not sure.

I was considering the HP Mini-Note because it has a keyboard that's like, 92% the size of a normal keyboard, BUT, I've heard some not-great things about its capabilities in other areas. >.< My mom suggested a tablet, but while I think that's cool and everything, if I want to write longhand, I'll do it on paper. I'm really good at typing, and I love typing (more than writing by hand), so whatever I choose, I want it to have a good keyboard.

And while I've used Apple computers before, I haven't worked with them extensively, and I grew up on Windows, so... I don't know how I feel about switching. I'm open to it, though, if there's a laptop that seems like the best option for me.

So! What are your opinions on laptops? Brands? Specific models? Are there good things and bad things that stand out for you? Are there features you feel you really need, or that are superfluous? Can you make a really good argument for Macs? :P

question, scad, rl

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