
May 13, 2008 20:52


2) I was going to post the next chapter of De Divinatione either today or yesterday, but as I was writing it (and it's way longer now, btw), I discovered a NEW PLOT POINT, so I'm now in the process of going back and revising the first few chapters. LOL

3) I registered for summer classes! Pop Culture and that moviemaking one, which is gonna be SO AWESOME. And the Pop Culture one is online, so I'll only have to physically go to the production meetings for the movie. Which I'm sure aren't going to be early in the morning. YAY. AND, I put in my housing request at SCAD. WOO!

4) Raquel just showed me this, and it is AWESOME.

5) Only one more week of body boot camp. I've survived so far. Sort of. And as of Monday, I'm starting Weight Watchers again. >.<

eta: 6) I JUST WROTE A FICLET. It's Raquel's fault. And that cute webcomic site's. (side note about fic-ish things: I need to repost what I did for m_m, and update my index, and post the next chapter of DD)

scad, recs, ww, gym, random, school, to do list, posting, rl, writing

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