update-y stuff, and my friends-only plan

Apr 07, 2008 13:03

YAY, Dazzle won that video contest! I dunno if any of you voted, but if you did, thank you!! My sister's making money left and right now. I'm a bit jealous, actually. She has marketable talents like photography and dog training and stuff like that, which is also good for these kinds of contests. Meanwhile, I.... go to school and write fanfic in my spare time. >.<

My other bit of news for the day is this: I think I'm going to go mostly friends-only. Gradually, though; I'm not just gonna suddenly disappear or anything. And fic and stuff will be left public, of course. I have a vague plan to switch journals as well, and use this one more for fan-ish stuff (which was my original intention with it anyway).

Also, Raquel and Megan and I watched Return of the King last night all together, which was so much fun to do. We should do that more often. And this is an general invite for anyone who wants to join us, if there's ever a movie on tv we all want to watch or something.

Also! My ipod won't turn off. >.< It's had this problem before, but this time, even the 'reset' isn't working. GAAH.

music, raquel, lotr, rl, megan, f-o

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