listy listy list.

Mar 15, 2008 14:45

1) I just finished the book The Other Boleyn Girl, by Phillippa Gregory - I highly recommend it. I loved George right off the bat, and then I found out he's played by Jim Sturgess (Jude from Across the Universe) in the movie, so yeah, that's gonna be awesome. I'm worried about how much the movie will have cut out or altered, though; it's quite an in-depth story, and there's no way all of that's in the film. I don't want to see my favorite parts cut out! I started reading the sequel, The Boleyn Inheritance, this morning. I was really excited about reading the first one because this is the first book in quite a while that I haven't been required to read and that I've really really loved. I mean, I liked reading The Golden Compass and whatever the two sequels were called, but not quite to this extent. (Oh, and speaking of Jim Sturgess, I reallllllly wanna see 21. It looks like my kind of movie. LOL)

2) I signed up for Script Frenzy, which is basically NaNoWriMo for scripts. It takes place in April, and the goal is 100 pages. At the moment, my plan is to adapt The Citadel, but I might do something different, I dunno yet. Oh, when I tried to sign up, it said the name moondom had already been taken, and I was like what? But it also said that my email address was already registered... So I tried to log in using the name moondom and the password I would've used, and apparently I'd already signed up for it. I don't remember doing that AT ALL. LOL

3) I started cutting the cardboard pieces for my lap-desk for art class. (Oh, did I ever even mention that on here? We're building furniture out of cardboard, wire, and paper mache.) Anyway, I cut my finger. :( It didn't hurt too badly or anything, but now I have a band-aid on it and it's hard to write (and type, actually). And of course it comes right at the time when I need to do a lot of freehand writing. Once I start putting the pieces together, I'll post pictures of my progress.

4) I'm so excited for monaboyd_month to start. I don't have anything finished yet, but... It'll be fun. Yay fandom! :D

5) Less than a week 'till school's out. (for 11 days. >.<)

school, sf 08, co-op: art, rl, book review

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