Art Portfolio

Mar 12, 2008 16:54

DIAL-UP WARNING: VERY PICTURE HEAVY. (picture-centric, really)

WOO, so, I finally (fucking finally) put my portfolio in the mail just now. It's all my pictures in a PowerPoint presentation on a CD with the raw jpgs, as well as an excerpt of The Citadel (I changed the names, of course). But I never got around to posting a lot of my pictures, and the ones I did post weren't always good quality (or.. finished). So, here they are.

Starting with... Sean. Well, it's called Boromir, but I call it Sean, because even when I watch LotR, I call him Sean. I still think this is one of the best faces I've ever painted. The body leaves some things to be desired, but it's not the focus, so who cares. ...This photo makes him look a bit squished, vertical-wise. It must've been tilted when we took the photo.

Next, we have Shy, which is my friend posing and being very embarrassed but determined. Awesome photoshoot that day. (and no telling her that I'm posting this on the internet, LOL)

Reaching, which is my friend's friend. I've posted this one before, I think.

Crawl, another one of the same guy, and oh, if only I'd thought to make this pose a bit more... well, you know what I mean. Like that. *g*

Magick, which I've just finished. It's not even peeled off the cardboard yet, because I'm not sure it is finished. Meh. I'm not sure I've said anything about this one before... I was painting the hands, and at first they were bare, and then I added bracelets, and then I connected them to make handcuffs, and then I didn't like how it was coming out, so I painted over that and randomly added a glowing sphere. And it stayed. *shrug* I don't know if I like working without a plan like that or not...

Erin, my friend that did the Shy pose. What I hate about pen and ink is that once you mess up, or add too much, there's no going back. I just recently did a great one of my sister, but I accidentally outlined her mouth and eyes too much, so now she looks all gothy and WEIRD. *facepalm*

Shield Maiden. The picture I drew this from had a girl playing a weirdly-shaped banjo, and no way was I keeping that in. O.o

Drapery Study. Um, it's a drapery study. I like drapery studies. Haven't done a serious one since this one, though. And this was in... '06, I think it says.

Chiontach, which is, obviously, Dom, with a title from lotruni Incline of Trees (I will never be able to think of it as the new title). I posted all sorts of stuff about this one while I was drawing it. I still adore it. And him, but that's a different story.

Sunset, which was done on CANVAS (I don't like canvas), with COLOR (I rarely use color lately), and done completely with my palate knife (OMG THE TORTURE). I like the end result, though.

And finally, my grandparents' Anniversary Portrait (also done on canvas, and a BIG one, at that). And since I GAVE THEM the canvas, and my mom's laptop died, I no longer have pictures of it. So, I asked my grandpa to take one, and he came back with this BLURRY AS FUCK thing.

And when I asked him for a clearer picture (he prides himself on being a good photographer. WHAT THE FUCK.), he sent back this, which cuts off the necklace and stuff, and STILL isn't as clear as the others (which my sister took, by the way). I just. I don't even know. gah.

And that's the end of the artwork! OH, you might be interested to see this as well, 'cause I don't think I ever did get around to posting it. For anyone who might've read The Citadel while I was posting it, here's a diagram I drew of Orlando's Crawlers. (in the side view, it's off-center; it's not supposed to be. >.<)

That was fun to draw, haha. Amusing, that is. And if I ever start posting Escaping Blame, I'm going to redraw the photo Viggo takes and post it. LOL because the version I've already drawn looks HORRID. :P

So, um, yeah. That's it.

scad, co-op: art, rl, art

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