next quarter

Feb 18, 2008 17:58

So, I'm writing again. (obviously). The Dom/Viggo fic I started forever ago (which was supposed to be short), is nearing completion. \o/ I still have about a million things in my WIP folder, and more written longhand in my writing notebook, but... I'll get to them eventually. I'm feeling better about writing lately, so it'll happen. (I don't think I had writer's block, really; just... finishing block? LOL I started about a gazillion new fics....)

The problem with three day weekends is that on Sunday, it feels like a normal weekend. So here I am on Monday, scrambling to get things done. Well, not really scrambling but... putting more effort in than usual. I have an Italian presentation on Thursday, which I'm researching now. Oh god. It's going to be crap. And I'm not bringing enough food for the class. Although... focaccia bread is a specialty of Liguria, and it's really good... great, now I'm hungry. Anyway, I'm outlining it and everything in English, which means I still have to translate it. *sigh*

My registration for next quarter is like, next Monday. (AND SPEAKING OF, DOM'S GONNA BE ON CRAIG AGAIN. I THINK. FTW.) Anyway, there's a couple options, most of them in psychology or sociology.

- First of all, there's Italian 103 (if I don't completely fuck up in 102), but the problem is, the class might not get enough students, and therefore might be cancelled. Which would kinda suck. :(
- Then, there's an online class about King Arthur, the Round Table, and the Grail, which looks really interesting. So I think that's one for the 'definitely' list. Especially since it's online (although my writing class this quarter is kinda sucking because of that)
- There's a Shakespeare class that looks interesting, but it's one of those 10-credit double courses, and it's paired with either English 101 or one of the essay writing classes. Which, y'know, might be kinda cool, but I'd rather just be in a class that focuses on Shakespeare, y'know? Plus it's 10 credits, which would use up 2 out of 3 5-credit slots.
- There's an Intro to Sex and Sexuality, which I'm leaning towards at the moment. It sounds really cool, and all the reviews on the teacher say she's awesome and the class is great. It's like, behavior and attitudes about sex, and that's really interesting, and not just in the pervy way (as Raquel said).
- Similar in interest to that, is Intro to Personality, which would be awesome. So that's another psych option.
- There's a 2-credit Humor: Laughter & Health class taught by the guy I took career exploration from, but there's not really a good class description, so I dunno. It'd probably be fun, and he's a good teacher, but it depends on what else I take.
- Another in the psych/soc list: Intro to Social Psychology, which would be how people relate in groups and stuff like that. Also very interesting. I don't think any of the teachers offered had particularly good reviews here, but none of them were bad, I don't think.

Of course, there's also the option of Physics II (which continues the physics I'm doing now), but I'm gonna go ahead and say HELL NO. It'll be a pity not seeing cute-physics-guy, because he probably will take it, but yeah, SO NOT WORTH IT. I know enough physics from doing robots to get by in life.

Then, there's Intro to Chemistry. I've not taken chemistry before, ever, and my mom (a chem engineer) says that I would probably enjoy it (of course, she said that about physics too. I think it's just the teacher that's the problem, though). I do want to know chemistry, and it's something that vaguely interests me, but... I don't think I wanna get caught up in another lab science. Hmm. I wish I felt comfortable enough to do it, but I just don't think I do. Hence all the English/Lit/Psych/Sociology courses in my list. I think Language Arts is my thing, and I think I'm just about ready to say that for certain.

The problem with having such an early registration date is that now, I just want the new classes to start and I wanna give up on the ones I'm doing now. Particularly physics. >.<

Oh, and a side note about robotics: TONY WON FIRST PLACE & CHAIRMAN'S AWARD IN FTC AT THE TENNESSEE REGIONAL. FUCK YES. QUALIFIED FOR NATIONALS. FUCK. YES. *\o/* He called me up, and I said hi, and I didn't even remember that he was at the competition, and he just said "We, uh. We won." LOL WOOOOO!!! IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME. He totally deserves it. His team (and mine too, actually; just in FLL and not FTC, 'cause we only did that once) got ROBBED a few years in a row. Stupid judge bastards. ANYWAY.

On top of all that crap, I need to finish my portfolio. Now that I have 10 pics picked out, I need my sis to take super-awesome photos of them, to show detail and everything, and I still need to finish about 2 of them. Also, I was gonna put in a few writing samples. Any suggestions on that? Is there anything I've written that's just, like, completely awesome? I was thinking about maybe the intro to Citadel, before I introduce the characters. But that's all I can think of off the top of my head...

Hmm, okay, I think that's quite enough seriousness for now. *nod nod* Off you go.

tony, school, dominic monaghan, writing, rl

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