editing, kindle

Feb 09, 2008 11:02

kevin's coming over in, like, a couple of hours with his wife's laptop to edit the footage we shot. when he called i was kind of half awake, and i guess my voice was still all rough and sleepy 'cause he said "did i wake you up? i did, didn't i?' but i didn't want to tell him i was still asleep at *10:30*! anyways, this means that the house has to be clean by the time he gets here. i dunno if he's gonna stay the whole time or leave me to it or what.

oh, but also, my mom got her new kindle today, so she gave me the old one, which i get to keep until amazon asks for it back (which they might not, actually). so, y'know what i did? I COPIED FIC ONTO IT. IT IS AWESOME. I CAN READ C-VERSE ON THE KINDLE. actually, i can read pretty much anything i want on there, if i put it on, but the problem is i don't have a lot of stuff copied to word documents, and i don't want to bother with converting html files because then there'll be weird formatting issues. but this is so awesome. i was super excited last night while my mom was setting up her new one and showing me how to re-set up the old one. it's so cool!!!!

work, rl

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