kinda good

Jan 24, 2008 23:04

ok, so my sister is out of commission for like, 5 or 6 months. apparently she tore her ALC tendon or something like that. she's going for an MRI tomorrow, and she has surgery planned for like, a month from now or something. so now she's depressed, because she's very active, normally, and doesn't like sitting still for long periods of time. Dazzle is FREAKING OUT. she's getting so crazy now that my sis can't play with her. tonight, our friend took her to dog class and ran her with his dog to get some of her energy out.

I meanwhile, felt better today. I dunno what it was; maybe having my Italian homework TURNED IN and starting a new chapter there, or maybe it was finally understanding something in physics. I was listening to some good music in the car, traffic wasn't too horrible, and I got to school early enough to work on some outstanding physics homework. and the skies have been SO CLEAR lately, the mountains on both sides of the city (the Cascades and the Olympics) both stood out and looked amazing.

although the physics lecture today was so well understood I didn't even bother taking notes for part of it. me and this other guy kept looking at each other like OMG HURRY UP THIS IS SO FUCKING BORING. we counted down the minutes until the end of class. >.<

I need to post my vignettes for writing today, but GRRR, am having trouble logging into vista. FUCKING VISTA. hopefully I won't get marked off for posting them a day late if I explain that I COULDN'T BLOODY LOG ON.

tomorrow's schedule: Italian, physics, physics HW Q&A, piano, art, and hopefully sleep. TGIF omg. y'know, last night I actually went to bed before midnight. O.o!


class: ital 102, tv: torchwood, class: phys 114, school, class: engl 233, to do list, rant, rl

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