
Jan 17, 2008 20:52

omg Torchwood FTW. there are so many awesome moments in this new episode, I don't think I can even remember them all.

in other news, I'll be posting some more little ficlets soon, but for one of them, none of my classmates have given me feedback yet, which kinda sucks, because that's the one I was kinda worried about. hopefully I'll get something soon, so I can edit it before posting. or should I post it and count on you guys to give me feedback? pretty please? ♥

I still have so my homework to do, omg. but at least there's a 3-day weekend after tomorrow. unfortunately, the homework's DUE tomorrow.

*sigh* I don't know exactly what it is about my classes this quarter, but every single day, I dread going to class. maybe I'm just staying up too late, but I don't know. I don't remember it feeling like this for my previous quarters. even as scary as precalc was, I didn't really hate it. then again, for that class, the teacher was really adorable... physics this quarter is just... not good.

the guy goes really fast through the problems, and it's just algebra, mostly, so it makes me feel kinda stupid for not following, but my brain is so split between trying to follow along whilst writing down everything as well, that I look at it and go O____o. and he told us, he fucking told us, that we don't need to memorize these formulas, that they'd be provided on quizzes and such, and yet, during these example problems, he expects us to know them by heart! and this is only the, what, 3rd week?

I did not mean for this post to turn into a physics rant, but apparently it has, and I'm sorry. shall we go back to Torchwood squee?

TEAM TORCHWOOD FTFW. I love all the little love triangles going on. EXCEPT FOR GWEN OMG WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT? but all the rest, yes, GUH. AND LOTS OF KISSING IN THE PREVIEW, YAY! :P

school, class: engl 233, tv: torchwood, rant, rl, class: phys 114

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