oh, life, how you annoy me so

Jan 15, 2008 20:17

today was much with the wtf-ness.

I went to bed last night around midnight, which is actually kind of early for me, and therefore I was able to wake up alright around 6:45-ish (though I stayed in bed until just after 7). So, I woke up, fooled about on LJ for a while, took a shower, ate.. something, and got in the car - EARLIER than usual, by about 3-5 minutes.

context info: there's this section of Coal Creek Parkway that's under construction, and at the same place, there's about 3 roads that all merge into one lane - with a traffic light farther ahead. Why this is so, I do not understand, but whatever, that's just the way it is for, like, the next year. Anyway, this section of the road usually takes a loooong time to get through, and I leave at 8:30 in order to get to school just after 9.

Today, though, there was almost no traffic through that bit; instead, it was all backed up at the part of the road after that, and most of it was, like, a dead halt. I was lucky if I was going 2 mph, seriously. Not to mention the ice on the shadowy parts of the road. Long (loooooong) story short, I didn't get into the parking lots until about 10-something, and then, because I had to park in the middle of nowhere, I had to walk allllll the way up to the building, and I finally got there about 10 minutes before Italian class was over. Only, I got there and all the lights were off, and there was nobody there.

I didn't know if class was cancelled, or let out early, or anything, and there wasn't anybody hanging around, and Tiffany wasn't answering her phone. >.< By that time, I pretty much had to go straight to Physics, and a brief conversation with a few people outside that classroom told me that not only were a bunch of people not showing up, but a few more were leaving before class had even started, hoping that, because there weren't many people left, the lab would be cancelled.

It wasn't.

And the idiot in my lab group is just... moronic. The first week of class, he'd put his head in his hands and pluck out his hairs. O_____o And he always says the most weird, random things really loudly, so the whole class can hear, and he's not even engaged in a conversation! He just says them to the air! *handmotions* Needless to say, I routinely give him dirty looks. But now he's one of my lab partners, oh fucking fantastic. Supposedly he's pretty smart, if you ignore the stupidity.

I did run into a classmate from Italian (totally by chance) before I left, though, and she said that because not many people showed up, class let out early and we'll just pick up tomorrow. Something to that effect, anyway.

Anyway. That was my day at school. I recorded a voice post, but then people started talking to me, so I couldn't finish that. eta: but it posted anyway! Here it is. lol Now on to less boring stuff.

1. bloodrayveness has posted an RPS Fandom poll, which I really want you all to go vote in, because I'm very interested in everyone's answers.

2. Reading semaphore27's This Is The Way the World Ends (lotrips/the stand crossover) is probably not the best idea late at night. But it's so good. Oh, Dom.

3. I'm having trouble thinking of a good situation for my writing assignment this week, Last Lap: "Last Lap places the character, right in the opening lines, close to the climax of a series of events. So the story begins partway up the face of the cliff and not when your character, Arnold, first got interested in mountain climbing." It's quite an interesting prompt, but all I can think of now is mountain climbing. Any suggestions for a situation? Anyone? Anything?

class: ital 102, recs, class: phys 114, brainspouse, fandom, random, school, class: engl 233, rl, writing

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