
Jan 03, 2008 01:18

oh crap, it's 1am. today = first day of school. Italian was interesting; there were 2 sections of the 101 class, but now there's only 1 section of the 102 class, so we've merged together. physics was kinda awesome, the instructor seems pretty cool. tomorrow we're doing some kind of experiment with bowling. should be fun. so far in writing, I've introduced myself and gotten several replies about my nano fic. \o/ speaking of, I need to get cracking on that, but not right now. I also have to choose another picture to paint; there's one I like from the second photoshoot we did, but the position's just SLIGHTLY off, and I'm not quite confident that I'd be able to wing it. I also have to take care of those STUPID FUCKING DVDS OMFG *KICKS THINGS*. it's the job that won't. fucking. end. and the worst part is, she's already paid me. also, I have to email Kevin. shit. the FIRST kickoff is like, next Saturday or something. or the one after, I dunno. and also, one of my NY's resolutions is to stick to weight watchers omg. >.< and also, I had lots of stomach pain today, no idea why. *clutches stomach* owie.

anyway, now Raquel's got me dreaming about a new fic, as well as a couple WIPs, and omg sweet dreams tonight. *cackles*

and randomly, Brent Corrigan was awfully adorable when he was young. well, sexy and adorable. LOL

work, class: ital 102, ww, class: phys 114, brainspouse, random, school, class: engl 233, rl, health

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