
Dec 31, 2007 20:12

Happy New Year!! There's still an almost an hour left for you east-coasters, and I've still got a long time, like 4 hours. But I've been roped into an evening of board games with my family, which is kind of a tradition, except this year nobody wants to watch any movies! Which is a pity, as I've got The Flying Scotsman and On A Clear Day at the moment... :P Anyway, I'm taking tons and tons of pictures with my camera, I love it so much, and I'm sure there'll be a Christmas/New Year picspam sometime soon. :D

In other news, I finished my most recent painting (finally), but I still have, like, 8 more to go for my portfolio requirement. >.< Also, my textbooks came today; the writing ones are awesome, and the physics looks slightly scary, but still (hopefully) fun. I can't believe school starts on the 2nd. Not fair! Luckily, that makes for a short first week. *giggles*

scad, new year!, class: phys 114, school, class: engl 233, posting, rl, co-op: art

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