YAY, school is over. :D

Dec 10, 2007 23:21

finals are over!!! and both of them went a lot better than I expected. although, last night, I was worried about how NOT worried I was... I don't get test anxiety or anything, but I thought it was a bit strange to be so laid back about them. but they both went very well, so I have high hopes for decent grades. for the math, most of the stuff was just easy, though there were a couple that I didn't quite know how to do. but oh, the joy of multiple-choice questions: GUESSING. I'm usually a good guesser. LOL Italian was kind of the same; I just knew most of the stuff on the test. the teacher gave us little cards that we could use as a free answer for any question, but only one question, so we had to use it wisely. when I was done with the test, I had a couple little trouble spots, of course, but I didn't really know what to ask her. I finally settled on irregular verbs, because I'm absolutely sure that I got several of those wrong. so she helped me with one, which in turn helped me with another, but then I just gave up because I really don't know those fucking irregular verbs.

and then when I came home, I found a present from my mom. I think she decided it was going to be a present kind of arbitrarily, because she wanted to get me this anyway, lol. it's a single book with the complete Dark Materials trilogy, which is The Golden Compass and two others. (are they making a movie out of the other two, or just The Golden Compass?) anyway, I've not read it before, and my mom was surprised because when she started reading it a few weeks ago, she said it was exactly the kind of book I'd love. so now I'm on chapter 3 and I love it already. :P hopefully I can finish it before we go see the movie.

also, cute guy emailed me back and said that he couldn't come to the movie because of a prior engagement. :( he was all apologetic and sweet, though, which was nice. I've also kept up an email conversation with him, so hopefully we can get together some other time. :)

and also, EPGY just recently sent my transcript from them to SCAD and Drexel. damn them for holding up my applications. it was supposed to be sent already! >.<

now, it's back off to bed with me and my book, and I don't have to get up early tomorrow. YAY

class: ital 101, school, scad, college search, rl, class: math 120

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