According to Tiffany, I won't be able to do the study abroad thing (I'm not old enough, wtf?!). I dunno if that's true, but it probably is. I'm not too unhappy about it, though, because the trip would've been expensive and I'm not sure I should've buggered off to Italy right before I had to get everything set up for me to go to college. And also, this way I'll be able to get a job early and not be competing for one when public school lets out. So, all for the best, probably. Though my mom did say (and I definitely agree) that I should travel sometime during my college career, because once I'm out of college, opportunities like that start to disappear fast.
Okay, now about school; I got a B on my last Italian test, which, while not great, is certainly better than a C, so the C will be dropped. \o/ I did okay on my math quiz, but I really hate that his quizzes only have like, 4 problems. It makes each one worth A LOT, and I usually miss about 1 or half of 1. WHICH SUCKS. Not much I can do about it, though, except study more.
Both of my finals are on Monday (Studio doesn't have a final), and my oral presentation for Italian is TOMORROW, WTF. We're supposed to do a skit and have our lines memorized. We just finished WRITING our lines last night. omg we're gonna die. >.<
Also, I wanted to link to this site... We're graphing polar equations and stuff in math, and it reminded me of this
Butterfly Curve that I saw a while back. We're not doing anything nearly this complicated in class, but isn't it pretty?
So, I just have to survive until Monday, and then there'll probably be some kind of party or something in Italian, and then the quarter is over! WOOO!!! And now I've looked at the clock and omg I gotta go. Like, now.