my day today was SUCH UTTER CRAP. for no particular reason. i woke up on the wrong side of the bed (figuratively, of course, since i only ever sleep on one side of my bed...) but yeah, math was a bit crap, italian was more crap, time in between classes was pathetically spent moaning about the classes themselves, and the study period after italian? omg french guy need to shut up. and everytime i look at Lake, i think Owen. LOL he's so sweet, though.
but anyway, the good things:
lord of the rings soundtrack. always and forever, i will love it. and i want the score for christmas. *hopes*
Raquel's emails. omg ♥
the incline of trees.
chicken noodle soup.
by the way, Tiffany, here's a few videos of Owen. "
Meet Owen" "
Owen's top 10 moments" (annoying background music, but oh well) and "
Ianto clips from episode 12" (that's the episode where Ianto and Owen were all angry and fighting, lol. Spoilers, obviously. and here's a
picspam with mostly Ianto and Jack, but some Owen too.