the bad, the good, and the monstrous to-do list

Nov 01, 2007 23:10

the bad:

- I left my lunch bag in my Italian classroom and only realized as much when I was in the computer lab, getting hungry, and looked down, only to NOT FIND IT at my feet. So I raaaaan back to the other building, which is way across campus (not that far, but I RAN), and there was a class in session. I tried to look through the window to see if it was still there, under my chair, but I couldn't see and I didn't want to interrupt the class if it wasn't even there. So I asked someone at reception when the class was over and she said 20 minutes, and I was like "oh shit." Actually, I kept up a steady stream of "oh shit oh shit oh shit" as I flailed around outside the classroom for a couple minutes. Eventually, the teacher poked her head out and was like "sure, have a look!" and there it was! So then I was very relieved, because I was on the verge of a major freak-out. As if spazzing out in the hallway isn't dorky enough.

- I forgot to a) print out my test for studio, and b) DO THE TEST, so when he asked for the tests, I really did freak out, but I stayed calm and apologetic on the outside, and I lied and told him I'd just left it at home, and because he's nice and awesome, he said I could bring it in next week. >.<

- I got caught up with writing and posting and practicing for class, and I didn't do any math homework. I have a weekend class, so that is not good. CRAP.

- I've done fuck-all to get ready for the interview I'm producing next week. ALTHOUGH, I only just now found out that the FIRST WA guy agreed to be interviewed, and he might even have someone to interview him, so that's all kinds of awesome. Luckily for me, he knows how to be interviewed and I just wanna keep things simple.

the good:

- I did well in Italian. I dunno why I'm really saying that, because we didn't get any quizzes or anything handed back, but I can just tell that I did well. EXCEPT OH CRAP, I haven't done my house blueprint yet. That can wait until tomorrow though; there are more pressing matters at hand.

- I finished my painting! I still haven't taken a picture of it to post, but I WILL. Now I just hafta start on the next one, which I should probably sketch out before I go to bed tonight.

- I am awesome in studio. Seriously. Everybody loves me now. :D During the practices, I basically filled in for anyone that wasn't there, and by class time, mostly everyone was like "oh, I dunno how to help you with that. Ask Jennifer." and "talk to Jennifer, she's really good at it." LOL!! So I pretty much helped people and explained things whenever I wasn't doing my own job. Which was... fun. :D Oh, and the last interview today was in FRENCH (which I DON'T SPEAK), and I was the TD for that. Luckily, the French girl was the director, so we just listened to her instead of the interview. It was weird, not being able to anticipate what was going on, though. I mean, some of it I could, obviously, like when they asked specific questions and stuff, but a lot of it I was like "...bzuh?" but the interview went pretty damn well, if I do say so myself. :D

- Cute Guy in studio makes me laugh like an idiot but we have so much fun omg. During productions, everyone has to have their cell phones off, because it interferes with the mics, and I didn't, I only had mine on silent. I was busy, so he offered to go turn it off for me, and after a brief confusing conversation about where my phone was (in my backpack), where my backpack was (on the chair, beneath my jacket), where the chair was, etc. he went off and turned off the phone. I happen to have a pic of Dom as my phone's wallpaper. When Cute Guy came back and sat next to me, he was like "Charlieeeeee" and it was so adorable and I burst out laughing. I'm actually happy someone recognized Dom. LOL A lot of people I talk to are like "who's that?" which really irks me. LOL oh, and I talked to him about NaNo a bit, and he was very impressed and he finally admitted (after I gave a quick run-through of my schedule) that I was busier than him. LOL and so anyway, we talked a lot, and he's really very adorable and funny, and... yeah, so. :D

- I also had (joined in on) a conversation with Jeff about his movie; the teacher brought up most of the bad points I mentioned in my post, and for most of them, Jeff was already aware of what the problems were and stuff, and so we talked a bit about the technical stuff and then about the script and story itself, and I got to ask him about why the hell they went to London. He said it was one of the only things remaining from the original draft, written several years ago, because they wanted to "go to another country". So he laughed about that and all the mistakes there were.

- I'm somewhere over 2000 words for NaNo! It seems so easy on the first day. LOL I dunno if I'll be able to keep up the same writing pace all through the month, but what REALLY worries me is this: I'm having serious doubts that my story will stretch over 50k words. The only thing I've ever written that long before was RunAway, and that almost seems too long to me, and like I reused some of the plot points. I really don't want to do that for this fic, but I don't have enough plot points in my mind to have it be that long. Okay, now I'm just rambling and getting nowhere; I'll stop.

Anyway, I have to do several things before bed tonight:

- sketch next painting
- print out studio test
- email FIRST WA guy about interview (high priority)
- start math homework (moderately high priority)
- start Italian homework (low priority)
- write more (very low priority)
- pack backpack for tomorrow
- pack secondary backpack for tomorrow
- gather food for lunch/dinner tomorrow
- make a recording of myself reading the director's script (can wait until weekend)

holy shit, that's a lot. >.< and it's already 11pm!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


I'm acting oddly calm for having an internal freak-out. O.o

class: ital 101, school, class: video 218, to do list, rant, nano 07, rl, writing, class: math 120

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