hm. more school.

Oct 18, 2007 14:31

there's a windstorm coming tonight. the weather's been getting steadily worse all day. just now there was a quick power flicker. hopefully we don't lose power here (at school). that would be bad. also, i think i picked the absolute slowest computer in the computer lab. i have to refresh pages about 3 times before it'll actually show the page and it took several MINUTES to open up internet explorer. >.<

i'm very happy about the no-classes thing tomorrow. yay for sleeping in, if only for an hour or so.

things i still hafta do today before class:
do tiffany's TFC stuff
edit a fic link Knickers to index
write a conclusion for my scad essay
do some math homework
study for my test tonight
eat lunch omg

i'm sure there was something else i wanted to say, but i can't think. and omg the trees are like, freaking out outside the window. and yes, trees can freak out. LOL ok, that's actually kind of a long to-do list. better get to it.

scad, random, school, class: video 218, rl, writing, tiffany, class: math 120

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