seven interest meme

Oct 03, 2007 22:01

a friend lists 7 of your interests that they are interesting in hearing you talk about. comment here if you want me to list 7 interests for you to discuss!

this list is from surreality_fan


For those that don't know, this is from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. According to the book, 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. I have it as an interest for a few reasons: almost everyone I know has referenced it at some point in conversation; it always seems to be the number that shows up when you least expect it (except now I've come to expect it, lol); and it's the number I usually choose when I have to think of a random number (which doesn't make it all that random, does it?). Also, in my weird little way, I like that 4 times 2 = 8, which is my favorite number. LOL


I was a tiny bit skeptical when I found out Billy was starting up a band (or re-starting up, or whatever it was that he did), but I adored his singing in Return of the King, and various things I'd heard from interviews and conventions, so I just hoped for the best. But Beecake turned out to be exactly my type of music; kind of alternative, melancholy in places, happy and sexy in others. And my god, Billy can write music well. And sing; did I mention his voice?


Ever since reading shaenie's much-adored C-verse, the whole BDSM thing has intrigued me, bondage in particular. Apparently I have a bit of a leather fetish. Especially leather cuffs. :P And seriously, who hasn't fantasized that Dom's wristcuffs are something more than decoration?


I love Dom, Billy, Elijah, and Sean (yes, him too, lol) all separately, but together, they're like the most adorable group you could come up with. I love their dynamics as a foursome, and how they play off each other. How Dom's jokes with Elijah differ from those he has with Billy. How Sean tries to talk about serious things and Dom doesn't. This also goes for the entire Fellowship; if you but that much awesomeness together, you get something really really fantastic.


Several of my friends live in the same place they were born, or at least in the same state, if not the same city or even the same house. I honestly don't know how they do it. I've lived in.... *thinks* at least 5 different states (I may be forgetting one) and many many houses and apartments within those states. I've visited (or driven through) most of the other states, excluding a few in the middle and along the Mexican and Canadian borders (and Hawaii and Alaska). I don't want to just settle down, though. I don't think that's enough. I want to go to Italy and England and France and New Zealand and so many other places, and I don't even want to imagine not being able to do that. I'm not sure if I want it just for the experience or what, but traveling the world is something that I know I'm going to accomplish before I get too old to appreciate it.

dominic monaghan

Oh god, how to begin? He's silly, passionate, hilarious, flirty, clever, sneaky, loving, lovable, sexy yet adorable, comfortable on camera, genuinely nice (or so I've heard), and a brilliant actor. He speaks and writes beautifully (even if his spelling is atrocious, lol), and he can act through photographs as well as film. He's brilliant at imitating accents and mannerisms. He can be incredibly childish, but also incredibly mature, and he isn't afraid to hide his personality. When he listens to people, you can tell he's actually listening, not just waiting for his turn to answer and speak. He's an artist, a writer, a surfer, a self-proclaimed metrosexual (hee!!), and he practices yoga and enjoys nature. He seems pretty much perfect, yes? I think so. :)


Specifically, Weasley twins. I like them in the HP Books more than the movies, but I like them even more in my own imagination. I don't think there were ever enough details of their exploits or enough of insights into their personal backstories. And then I discovered slash fanfic and there's still not enough about the twins. Which reminds me, I never did post that HP fic I wrote after reading Deathly Hallows....


I watched Pushing Daisies tonight, except I missed the first few minutes. It's beautifully shot, and I love the colors. It looks like a movie. And actually, I think it would probably work better as a movie than a show because I don't know how they're going to continue it and keep it fresh. Also, my sis and I recognized Jim Dale narrating right away because of all the Harry Potter audiobooks. :D That came as a surprise. Oh, and is this a half-hour show filling an hour timeslot? Because that was a hell of a lot of commercials. O.o

And I watched the newest House episode. CHASE! Cameron with blonde hair looks.... bad. >.< but Chase was hot, as usual. I love him. And I was very amused when Wilson said they were engaged. :P I can't wait for next week's. House is such an awesome show.

To the classical music lovers - does anyone have Valse in A by Frederic Chopin and would be willing to upload? I've googled it but only found things I have to pay for, and I don't like paying for things. lol I'm about to start playing this song in piano.

And finally, I reviewed some SAT stuff today. I'm gonna fail. >.< ONLY TWO MORE DAYS. *headdesk*

elijah wood, dominic monaghan, music, tv review, lotr, random, tv: house, piano, hp, tv: pushing daisies, beecake, meme

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