a few random thoughts

Sep 27, 2007 16:21

1. Today, on the way to school, I was nattering on about something (my mom was driving), and suddenly I said "GOLLUM!" The car in front of us had the license plate "GOLLUM" and the thing that goes around the license plate (I dunno what it's called) had the end of the ring poem, "one ring to bring them all / and in the darkness bind them." hahaha, my mom said "Oh look, there's another LotR fan." :P

2. I dislike the subject of slavery. I don't hate it, at least not as much anymore, but I really don't like it. I mean, of course I don't like slavery, but I don't even like the topic of it, intellectually. Religion, on the other hand, I have some interest in. I'm not very religious myself, but I find the subject very intriguing. So, what do I do? I start writing a fic about slavery. *headdesk* I do have one in progress about religion too, though. lol

3. Math class. Precalculus. Trigonometry. So far, it's not been anything too difficult, and the instructor is nice and young and he explains things pretty well (even though I still had to ask my dad for help understanding my homework). I'm worried that it's going to get hard really fast, though. >.< I hate five-day-a-week classes.

4. Italian. The teacher (professeressa) loves my last name (which is Italian). She talks in Italian a lot, though. More than I expected for the first week of classes. And she doesn't explain everything she's saying, which is a bit stressful. So far, I've memorized the Italian alphabet, though, which is good, and my almost-two years of Latin are definitely helping.

5. Apparently I never posted about this! My mom kind of found out about my slashy online activities. I played it down, though, (okay, I lied) and admitted to very tame versions of what I actual read/write. Obviously I couldn't deny anything as she'd seen something, but apparently it wasn't anything too porny, so while it wasn't a good thing that she found out, at least I know that it could've been very much worse. And at least this way she knows something so I don't have to be quite as paranoid. LOL

6. The Incline of Trees (aka: lotruni) has been updated!!!!!!! omgomgomg GO AND READ. *incoherent flailing*

7. Next week, I think, I will begin posting something that I half want to keep as a surprise and half want to shout out to everyone. I'm very excited about it. :D

8. Dom. Just Dom. ♥

class: ital 101, dominic monaghan, love, random, school, posting, rl, writing, class: math 120

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