
Sep 20, 2007 20:07

felt a bit better today. probably because of the lovely drugs that at least keep me from getting too stuffy. even with that, though, I've been sniffling and a bit woozy all day, but nothing like the constant sneezing yesterday.

and I managed to get a bit of geometry homework done! and I emailed all my teachers and got a bit of advice from last quarter's essay class instructor about my college essays. hopefully I'll get emails from my other two teachers saying it's alright to miss the first day of class. >.< and hopefully tiffany will take good notes in italian for me. *g*

Dazzle's doing better today, I think, and I think she won.... something. fastest junior handler tunnelers course or something. I have no idea. but it kept my sis mostly happy today, which is much better than her being pissy and annoyed and contrary, which is how she was yesterday (and a bit today).

after geometry, I took a NAP. it wasn't very comfy, but whatever, I got some sleep! \o/ and with the medicine last night, I actually slept all night, which was very nice indeed. anyway, then I did a bit of writing. quite a bit of writing, actually. I'm working on one of my original fics and believe it or not, it's a slightly *political* kind of drama thing. I am the least political person I know. I'd much rather just let everyone think what they want to think and try not to offend anyone, especially if they're close friends. so I'm trying to make the political part of the story as unrealistic as possible, and there's not really a good side and a bad side, and so far it's working out alright. although I do kinda wish I knew a bit more about politics. (not really, but kind of. y'know? just to get a better foundation for the plot.) it's now over 7500 words, and this morning it was only a couple thousand, so I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made on it.

I think we might actually be going back to the hotel soon. HOPEFULLY. I hate how disorganized this thing is. it's so stupid; it's like the people in charge are TRYING to be annoying and they're actively pissing people off. *headdesk* but today's at least better than yesterday. hopefully it'll continue to get better throughout the week.

oooh, Dazzle's up soon, I'd better go. *cheers*

school, writing, rl, politics, health

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