
Aug 21, 2007 11:49

i know what the lost numbers mean. it's a collection of COMPLETELY RANDOM numbers. SO RANDOM, that you see them absolutely everywhere, all the time. aaannnndddd, yeah, that's it. LOL

my old boss at the theatre left to go to some new media position at someplace a not that far away. but i was just thinking about my old job and how i missed it, but without her there, i don't think i'd want to go back. at least not to that theatre. because the new guy was A BASTARD.

but also, the director of the public access channel here just had a going away party because she's moving to... maine. or new hampshire. or somewhere over there, i don't quite remember. but the party was kinda fun, and at the end she (and i) got a bit teary because she's really nice and everyone loves her. oh, and she brought her new shih-tzu puppy and OMG I AM IN LOVE. i want a new puppy now. LOL why do puppies have to be so damn cute?

and speaking of work, i am SO READY to be done with making DVDs for people at the other theatre. i still have one lady who keeps asking for MORE and i just want to stop. my computer can't even handle the job anymore, and now neither can my sister's, at least for making the first copy. *headdesk*

and i assume by now that everyone's seen the new Dom photoshoot? what do you guys think of the new tattoo?

and finally, i think i'm going to delete my facebook account because i never got into it and i don't like using it and i don't like the idea of people being able to find me through my rl friends and stuff.

oh wait, no finally. because yesterday i reread some of my old favorite fics and they put me in a better mood, so i'll just pass on the links here, even though you'll probably already have read them. and omg this post is getting longer by the second. sorry.

Restrained, by

It Glows Red, also by

Mehndi, by 
almaviva (no outright porn here, but
almaviva's stuff is always awesome.)

You're The Nicest Place I've Ever Been, by 
lalejandra (this one kills me dead every. single. time. reading it yesterday, i actually had to share some bits with TONY of all people. he.. didn't really answer. LOL)

Alpha Male, by

Hobbitdashery, by
apple_pi. actually, anything by pi is good. :P

A Fucking Mess, by 
buckle_berry (omg this one KILLED me yesterday, even though i've read it before.)

Billy's Belt, another by

Exposure, by 
kiltsandlollies (another writer whose fic is ALWAYS GOOD. this one just about makes me cry, though.)

Lose You Now, another by 
kiltsandlollies (this is technically a WIP, but it's actually alright unfinished like this. it just hurts, but it hurts so good.)

Back Alley Brawl (Dom/SeanB), by 
v_angelique (there are no words for this. alsjfl;skdfj)

Just Hopin' That I Find, by
beizy, again (alksdflaskfj;slkdjf guhhhhhh)

untitled PWP, by 
v_angelique (mmmmmm, leather.)

and then of course, the usual recs like c-verse and lotruni, i mean incline of trees. lol oh, and
lotr_porn's outtake Afterparty, by 
shaenie and
blythely. and at some point i read
shaenie's Half Four, which ALWAYS makes me smile. i mean, how can it not? lol
okay, now i'm done.

dominic monaghan, theatre, work, recs, tv: lost, rl, random

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