music meme! and some other stuff.

Aug 15, 2007 17:49

from babybrothalova:

Comment and I'll give you a letter. In your journal, list 10 of your favorite songs that begin with that letter.

She gave me the letter L, and omg that was hard to narrow down. >.<

10. Like Spinning Plates - Radiohead
9. Listen to Your Heart (unplugged) - DHT
8. Live Forever - Oasis
7. London Calling - The Clash
6. Listen Up - Oasis
5. Last Christmas - Savage Garden
4. Lilac Wine - Billy Boyd
3. Lover I don't Have to Love - Bright Eyes
2. Let There Be Love - Oasis
1. Let it Be - The Beatles

Damn Oasis for having so many songs that begin with L! Here's the two that Oasis kicked off the list: Life For Rent (Dido), and Love Affair (Regina Spektor). My god, that was a difficult meme. I started out with over 150 songs, to give you a clue just how difficult. And if you want a download of any of these songs, just ask. I have them all right here except Let It Be, which I only have on CD at the moment...

in other news... I feel so apathetic towards, well, everything lately. I finished Lord of the Rings, so I went to look for another book to read, and none of the ones on my bookshelf piqued my interest at all, even though I bought them in the first place. I've written very little unless in a fit of inspiration, and reading through my WIPs isn't helping. Then of course, there's schoolwork, which I can't concentrate on at all. I have 3 math programs I'm supposed to be working through, and I've done about half an hour of each... over the last three days. And now I have to write my personal statement for my SCAD application, which requires talking about my personal and educational experiences as well as my personal and professional goals and aspirations. At the moment, I can't even think of a goal, which is dumb, because I know I have goals. I just seem to have forgotten them or something. *headdesk* I think my vacation was too long; it hasn't left me any time to just veg out and have a meltdown during the summer. I want to melt. I feel like melting. Only, I don't have time to melt, which is so stupid of me because I've been doing nothing but waste time since I got back, pretty much.

It feels like things have changed, but I don't know how. But nothing's really changed, has it?

school, music, college search, rl, sat

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