a few lists

Jul 16, 2007 09:01

I found out when my flight was. Tuesday morning at 7am, which means I have to leave here at like.. 5.30 or something. IN THE MORNING. apparently, my mom is insane. it might actually be easier for me to stay up until I have to leave rather than try to WAKE UP at zero-o'clock in the morning. omg i hate mornings. especially since I've been staying up until about 2am every night. jet-lag is going to KILL me.


make a list of things already packed/are going to be packed nah, I'll just work from this list here.
gather a few DVDs
DL the last few Half-Blood Prince CDs to my ipod hahaha no need! I finished the book a few hours ago.
find a place for my makeup and hair stuff that's NOT in my carry-on bag
do laundry
make bed with clean sheets
find some snacks suitable for a plane trip
try to find the adapter card for my cell phone's memory card
put together a portfolio and make it fit in my suitcase
copy all my WIPs onto my flash drive
research Drexel a bit more (IF I HAVE TIME)
make sure those heel-pad things work in my shoes
put the theatre DVDs by the door for Robin when she comes tonight
eat breakfast
read HBP as much as possible
college applications


lipstick/lip gloss/chapstick
nail file
CELL PHONE, another duh
pens & pencils, or just pens I need to find my extra pencil lead, though...
old, unused gift cards
eyeliner pencil
compact mirror


toiletries and such
hairbrush (where the hell is mine...?) found it! was in the car.
sneakers? (dunno if they'll fit)
LotR: RotK
Uncle Tom's Cabin (I think that's the title...) no, it was Huck Finn. and I have it now. lol
crossword puzzle game
magnetic chess/checkers?
sketchbook and pencils?
photos of my drawings
piano music?
socks and underwear omg
nail polish
ipod car charger
phone car charger
ipod wall charger
phone wall charger
flash drive
a purse (inside my carry-on bag)
DVDs (in my CD booklet thing)
a few pairs of earrings
other jewelry
retainer/case (blech)
alarm clock? (I've brought it on previous trips, because some places - like a friend's living room - don't have clocks, but I don't think it'll fit this time...)
college applications (with essays??)
weight-watchers stuff - calculator and weekly thingies

ETA: apparently I have to have college applications ready for when I visit Drexel and SCAD. OMGWTF RIGHT NOW?? I don't have application essays AT ALL, I don't have any of the forms filled out, and I don't have all my portfolio stuff ready yet. *headdesk*

and there's probably more, but hopefully I'll either remember it later, or it's not extremely vital. also, I'm going to wear a light blazer-type jacket on the plane, but that's the only long-sleeved thing I'm bringing. do'ya think I need another jacket, or is my family right in thinking that it'll be SUPER DEADLY HOT and I won't need it in Philadelphia and Atlanta?

also, last night I watched the new Monk and Psych episodes. Monk was funny, but my whole family had the crime figured out about fifteen minutes in, which made it a bit boring. Psych was REALLY funny, even though I don't really watch American Idol (the stuff they were spoofing is common knowledge even to me), but I'm kinda worried about how "silly" the show is getting. I don't want it to be TOO silly! Funny, yes, stupid, no.

work, college search, to do list, tv review, ww, writing, rl

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