Jul 07, 2007 22:31
my computer's internet has been DISABLED, so the only way i can get online is on one of the laptops, which i can't use very often. *HEADDESK* so, SORRY i haven't been commenting or updating or anything else. >.< this sucks.
but anyway. HARRY POTTER OMG. got tickets to a midnight show on tuesday, and i watched SS on abc yesterday, and am watching CoS now. PoA is on tomorrow, and then luckily i have GoF for monday night, and theeeennnn ORDER OF THE PHOENIX YAAAAAY. i've also started listening to the OotP audiobook, but i should just skip around in the cds because i don't have time to listen to the whole thing. lol
also, my AP biology scores came back last week. the scores are out of 5, and a 3 is a passing score, and will usually get counted for credit so i can exempt out of biology classes at college. d'you guys remember how much goofing off i did during biology? and how much i hated it? i would'a been ecstatic with a 3. and i got a 4. A FUCKING FOUR. I got a four. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I GOT A FOUR. *\o/*
i also now have 2 new pairs of shoes, and they are the cutest shoes EVER. :P i need to start PACKING omg. i leave for philadelphia in just over a week. i somehow have to fit everything i'm going to bring into one (small) suitcase and one carry-on. oh, and speaking of this trip, i finished the painting of my grandparents!! yay. i'm pretty happy with it, even though grandma doesn't quite look right. lol
oh, and! besides SCAD, there's now another school that i'm looking at, though i haven't really done a lot of research about it yet. it's in boston, which is cool, because i love boston and the north-east. anyway, it's called Emerson i think, or Emery or something. LOL! i haven't really looked at it yet! :P
college search,
co-op: biology,