
Jun 27, 2007 23:16

it's so much nicer to shop for clothes when you can actually fit in them. I ended up getting 3 dresses, one of which is black and dressy and awesome, one of which is kinda like a bathing suit cover-up but doubles as a dress, and the last of which makes me look like I belong in rural Kentucky or something (no offence to any that live there, lol). that's the one that, at the moment, I am going to wear to my grandparents anniversary party. I hope I can find another one, because I think it makes me look a bit stupid, and it's not my style, but in a pinch, it looks alright. anyway, I also got a couple pairs of jeans (that are a wee bit smaller and actually fit omgyay) and a PINK STRIPEY SHIRT that actually looks all sorts of awesome. I also tried on a couple bathing suits. why must bathing suits exist? they are a source of terror to fat people everywhere. >.<

shoes though: OMGWTF FLIP FLOPS. I found a pair in the back of my closet and omggggg, how can people stand having something between their toes all the time? this also goes for people who wear toe rings, which I tried once. >.< my feet are so sensitive and blindingly pale also. lol which brings me to...

leg waxing. mom had it done, she said it really wasn't a big deal. then again, I'm like, 30000000x more sensitive to pain than her. *headdesk* have any of you had it done? is it terribly painful? *headdesk a few more times* I'm such a wimp. stupid summer. why can't it just be cold all the time so I can wear jeans and sweaters and coats and scarves? *pouts*

ww, rl, health, random

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