
Jun 21, 2007 16:01

college quarter grades and SAT scores!!! I win. :D except, I'm going to take the SAT again in the fall because I wanna do better. >.< I think I'm also gonna take the ACT then too, which is like the SAT, only not really. LOL anyway, onto the scores...

quarter grades:

A   COMM 103 - Media & Messages
A   COMM 291 - Making Movies
A-  PSYCH 100 - Intro to Psychology
A-  ENGL 291 - Expository Writing

I already knew about the two As, and the M&M one is the class with the professor that adores me, so that was kind of expected, lol. but I just BARELY pulled out the A- in psych and I was SHOCKED to see the A- in English, because OMG I TOTALLY BLEW IT OFF. oops. but I still (somehow) managed to get an A-, so yay me. and yay for slack teachers...? >.<

which makes my quarterly GPA: 3.85

which makes my cumulative GPA (of three quarters so far): 3.82. WOOOO.

but I've known about those scores for a few days, but I just wanted to make one post with ALL my grades so I wouldn't spam everyone up with random school-ish-ness, so I had to wait until today, when I found out my SAT scores. LOL (the scores are out of 800, for those not in this country or whatever) So:

660  Critical Reading
620  Math
740  Writing

which is pretty good. lol!! above-average, anyway. :P no, I actually am pretty proud of that. but I wish colleges counted the writing section because OMG I NEARLY ACED IT. I got a 10 out of 12 on my essay, which was a bit of a surprise, and a 72/80 for the multiple choice questions. O__O I just have to get a bit better on the reading and math and then I'll qualify for some better scholarships and stuff. so yeah, *\o/*. anyway, enough of me gloating...

oh, so, a random funny story about the SAT: the room I took it in was an English-as-a-second-language classroom, so there were alphabet posters and stuff that you might find in an elementary school. anyway. it's me and about 12 other teenagers, and we have to copy out this statement that says we won't cheat or whatever. except the rule states that it has to be copied out IN CURSIVE. >.< the funny/sad part: barely any of us could WRITE in cursive, and we had to use those stupid posters in order to write the letters correctly. LOL printing is so much better. and typing's even better than that. cursive is just... hard. lol it took us longer than the allotted time to complete the statement. >.< hahahahaha

also today, I looked a bit more in-depth at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design), which is where ciberdude444's brother goes, and now that's one of my top choices, along with Drexel U (in Philadelphia) and possibly a place in Colorado. maybe. but anyway, the film department at SCAD is hella impressive, and it looks absolutely awesome, and if I went there I'd probably major in Film & TV and minor in Contemporary Writing, because the writing program also looks awesome, and my goal was to find a place with good film and writing programs. but the minor looks more interesting than the major (because the major includes the boring stuff that I don't really like, lol), otherwise I'd probably do a double-major in both. so yeah, SCAD is very cool, and I think I'm going to go down for a visit while I'm visiting Tony (ciberdude444) and everyone in Atlanta. (which is in like, a month omg. O.o)

also, an interesting and amusing tidbit: Tony's parents (and mine) all went to Georgia Tech, whose mascot is a yellow jacket; SCAD's mascot is a bee; and the place where Tony wants to go, Southern Polytechnic, has a hornet. I find that very amusing. LOL goes to show how easily amused I am...

also! thank you all for the feel-better-wishes and the prompts! am working on those now. and I do feel better. :) ♥

tony, class: comm 103, class: engl 271, class: psych 100, class: comm 291, random, school, college search, rl, sat, health

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