A few SIFF movies

Jun 16, 2007 02:10

I've seen a few things so far, and the festival's almost over, so I'm cramming a bunch of stuff into this last weekend. I think this is everything I've been to; hopefully I haven't forgotten any...

Goya's Ghosts

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

...not even in this movie! Goya's Ghosts wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It didn't really focus on the painter much; he was more of an observer of this whole ordeal. So Natalie Portman's character gets brought in for The Question, because she claims she didn't eat pork because she didn't like it. Oh the horror! so they string her up by her arms and it's all extremely sudden and made me cringe. The torture scene was almost too much to handle, especially since only moments before, she was dressed up and beautiful and innocent, and then she's hanging from her wrists, naked, with her arms twisted behind her back. It was very O____O The torture scene of her "captor", though, was done a bit more tastefully and it felt deserved. There was also a rape scene, well, actually there were two, but the first one was a bit confusing because it wasn't obvious that it WAS a rape scene, and the second just had him touch the outside of her thigh, and that was it. But then, years and years later, she's released and she looks incredibly freaky, and a bit crazy, and she claims she has a daughter. Uh oh! Then lots of other stuff happened and her real daughter (also played by Natalie Portman, lol) didn't end up getting sent to America, and the not-so-evil bad guy was hanged, and then the very last scene was Natalie Portman's main character walking down the street next to the cart holding the dead guy with one hand holding a baby she picked up from a prostitute, thinking it was her own daughter (who was a prostitute), and the other hand holding the dead guy's hand. And Goya running down the street after them. O.o It was kinda ambiguous and very strange. But overall, a good movie.

Lovely By Surprise

This was fucking weird. And I mean that in the best way. It was laugh-out-loud funny, but also SO WEIRD, and also very sad. It was so weird I think I'll have to save it for another post. LOL

French For Beginners

SO CUTE. So, it's about this German boy who is in love with a girl at school, and both of these kids are just so adorable it almost hurts. But anyway, he wants to get close to her, and he finds out she's in the French exchange program, and joins her, even though he can't speak French, like, at all. LOL Lots of hilarious stuff happens, in German, French, and sometimes English too. The plot was pretty predictable: boy likes girl, girl already has an asshole boyfriend, then the boy gets tempted by another sexy girl, but then they boy and girl end up together, and all is right with the world. :D

I Really Hate My Job

A couple big names in this one! Neve Campbell and the girl who played Moaning Myrtle and Bridget Jones' friend, Shirley Henderson (who I love). This is one that I'd like to own, if it ever gets distributed. The director was there tonight and he said that he shot it (mostly) in sequence, and it worked, because the whole movie took place over one night, and all the characters worked at this little restaurant. All the characters were SO stressed out and pitiful and hilarious and omg it was just awesome. Especially Shirley Henderson, because she had to be the chef because their other chefs quit, but she's only been a kitchen assistant-type-person before, so she's scrambling around making absolutely crap meals and when she finally breaks into hysterics, she sounds exactly like Moaning Myrtle. LOL But yeah, this movie is just awesome. If you get a chance, I highly recommended. And there is also nudity! LOL At the very end, Neve Campbell strips off and scares away all the customers.... it's actually a bit sad. But overall, it was very funny, depressing, and hopeful.

A few other random notes: I absolutely love Don Cheadle in pretty much everything I've ever seen him in. Also, I saw my first zombie movie the other day, and OMG. First off, it FREAKED. ME. OUT. and secondly, WTF. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever. None. My dad and I were like "uh... WHAT? No, seriously, WHAT?" And now I'm waiting apprehensively for Dom's zombie movie....... >.<

On the schedule for tomorrow: some movie at 4pm; I think it's Arctic Tale, by the same people that made March of the Penguins (I think), and then I'm off to the theatre for the first time in a long while to film/usher their production of something I've forgotten the title of.

Also, YAY SLEEP. I slept 11 hours last night, and had a surprisingly good, if somewhat sad, dream. lol! And this icon fits the dream perfectly... *sigh*

siff, to do list, rl, movie review, random

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