*flops* SCHOOL.

Jun 06, 2007 23:45

Today... was stressful. I had an essay due by 5pm, on a book I hadn't (and still haven't, lol) read, and then another one due at 11pm. I finished both of them about 3 minutes before I had to send them in. >.< But the one about the book I haven't read? THANK GOD FOR ONLINE REVIEWS. >.< and also the fact that my professor loves me and isn't expecting much anyway. I'm pretty sure that one'll be alright, even if it's kinda crap. The other one, though, the one for English? It kinda sucks, because I didn't even understand the essay and got it all wrong the first time, so I had to change everything once I got told what it meant. >.< I've almost stopped caring. Almost.

In class today we didn't get around to my group's presentation, though, which sucks, because I didn't want to have to go in on Monday. >.< But at least now I have more than a half-hour to prepare, lol. Most of the other groups were kinda sucky, so I'm feeling pretty good about my group. I'm just hoping my teammates aren't total idiots. Which, yeah, at least a couple of them probably are. >.<

OH YEAH. I nearly forgot. Tomorrow, I AM GOING TO SEE THE POLICE IN CONCERT. *\o/* Which I toootallly forgot about until about a week ago, and even then, I thought it was next week-Thursday instead of tomorrow-Thursday. But yeah, that should be VERY FUN, and kind of a celebration for the end of classes. Even though I'm not completely finished until next Thursday. At least all of my stressful work is done, now's just a time for doing as much backdated work as I can before the end of the quarter.

Filming on Sat/Sun. Cute Guy is an idiot and forgot to return the light kit the other day; I'm hoping he didn't have to pay the $200 late fee, but then again, he kinda deserves it for being such a flake. >.< Oh, but on Sunday, I have to bring a dress suitable for being an extra in a prom scene. I only have one dress, and it's a Chinese dress that I wore to the last piano recital. Luckily, it fits and everything just fine. I just hope it's appropriate...

Psych final on Thursday, and then THAT'S IT FOR SCHOOL. omg I really really really really really can't wait. My mom even said, "Thursday evening, you can read whatever you want, write whatever you want, go on livejournal, and chat with whoever." hahahaha YAYNESS. but then she said, "but not until Thrusday evening." >.< ONE WEEK UNTIL FREEDOM OMG. There's gonna be a party, just you wait and see.

school, class: comm 103, class: engl 271, to do list, rl, class: psych 100, class: comm 291

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