omg lj stop being wanky

May 31, 2007 01:43

oh what the fuck, LJ? not letting me see my f-list now? not fair, i tell you. not bloody fair.

i fiiiiiinally finished my essay about 2 and a half hours after the due time. and it's still on the short side. but at least it's coherent. mostly. i think.
     (tiff, call me tomorrow later today or something, we can discuss. oh, also, you aren't coming on friday, are you? >.<)

was hoping to read at least one short fluffy fic before bed, but no, LJ is being annoying and preventing me from clicking on posts, so. bed it is, then. y'know what i really really want? printed versions of all those really long, really good fics. like c-verse and sema's series and. well, lotruni isn't really complete yet, but that too. *sigh* anyway.

also, surreality_fan, i did manage to see your post about GJ, and i've just friended you over there. was going to comment on your post, but LJ's being stupid so i couldn't, sorry. >.<

hopefully LJ will stop being so wanky soon. because omg this is annoying!

school, class: engl 271, rant, tiffany, rl

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