today's adventures in movie-going

May 27, 2007 18:06

soooo, today. today was a bit of an adventure. as I said in an earlier post, I pretty much rolled out of bed into the car, lol. I alllllways forget about parking downtown. >.< so we went to Bellevue to redeem our secret movie passes and get our tickets and everything only to first discover that my dad doesn't know where Lincoln Center is (meaning we walked back and forth around Bellevue between one movie theater, the car, and another movie theater), and then (once at the right theater), we found out that SIFF's box office doesn't open in Bellevue until the 30th or something. which meant the whole mission was in vain! lol, by this time, we'd completely missed the secret movie, which really sucks, but the box office hours are made to screw us over apparently. so anyway, then we drove to downtown Seattle and found the box office there, only (again) we had to park like, a gazillion blocks away. then we waited in line for a while and finally got to the desk and got all our tickets and passes and vouchers and stuff. but then we had to decide on a movie, and there weren't many that I wanted to see today. >.< finally decided on the moon movie, but then had an issue of remembering where the hell the Neptune theater is. my dad got it confused with the Egyptian..... so we drive there, park quite a few blocks away, and wait in line for about 45 mins (in a drizzle! but luckily there was an awning, lol), then go inside and wait for another half an hour or so, but this time sitting down. lol.

so, 1) I'm very glad I decided not to wear heels. >.< I changed them for my normal shoes at the very last second. sooo glad I did. 2) I'm glad we saw the movie we saw, because it was awesome and the director was there too! 3) I'm now watching The Abyss, and it's reminding me of the Lost finale because of
the girl dying and the whole underwater moon-pool thing and such. but at least she got revived. >.<
so anyway, I'm gonna try to fix up my little ficlet in a few minutes, 'cause I've got a couple of ideas for it now.

ps: my most-used words: so, also, and anyway. >.<

pps: I misread a sign that said "habits for the home" and was like "omg I want a hobbit for the home." LOL I've seen so many lotr-type things like that today. "two towers" on a sign, and... well, now I can't remember, but there were others. lol

lotr, tv: lost, writing, rl, random

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