
May 22, 2007 19:54

so okay, that rant the other day? all most is better now. and Cute Guy showed up today! apparently he's been sick AND his car broke down. *pets him* *no really, because his hair is just lovely* as is his chest hair omfg also, the evil french producer girl has seemed to lighten up a bit and she's not as annoying about the storyboards though she still is speaking french a lot... and because I won't be available on the first day of shooting until the afternoon, I had to give over my duties to the french PA girl, who is very cute and reminds me of Claire on Lost. except, y'know, french. anyway, besides the whole language difference thing (quite a few "sorry? what was that?" in our conversation, LOL), she seems very sharp and she caught on quickly, so should be able to manage fine without me for half a day. and I didn't really get a chance to talk to the director, but he seemed very laid back today, so I'm guessing he's handling everything he's supposed to. and I kind of avoided the annoying DoP. hopefully the director and the producer will get on him for doing storyboards omg. I did complain to BOTH of them, so. *hopes* ALSO, nobody turned up for the auditions yesterday! so we're having auditions again next week or something, and the producer wants me to come, so yay. kind of. lol. it'll be interesting, to say the least.

whew. *takes a breath* also, I got quite a bit of Escaping Blame writing done while I was waiting around. *should be working on RunAway omg*

things to do tonight: organize psych project results with my dad; read an essay for english; post in psych; email the script to the producer; email a few documents to the PA; hopefully watch Dom on that The Sauce show, which 
txvoodoo says was really cute. \o/

oh, and tiffany? omg that piano in the student union building. SUCKS OMG. wtf half the keys won't even PLAY! the guy who was playing before me somehow sounded awesome, though, despite the stupid piano.

also, nearing the end of week 1 of my unofficial weight watchers thing, which is going alright. *shrugs* I do find myself wanting things I can't really have, though, like COOKIES. >.

dominic monaghan, class: engl 271, tv: lost, ww, class: psych 100, class: comm 291, random, school, to do list, tiffany, rl, writing

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