When will you wear wigs?

May 21, 2007 00:49

LotR is amazing. Can't really say a whole lot more than that at the moment because my mind is mush. But, we did end up watching the Dom/Elijah easter egg and both Fellowship of the Cast and A Day in the Life of a Hobbit, so that was pretty awesome. Especially since the person who stayed long enough to watch them both had never seen them before. lol!

I will admit to tearing up a bit at the end. Actual tears, unlike the dry-eyed kind of thing I did for Lost (I just couldn't cry!!). But though I got a bit misty at the Frodo/Sam "End of All Things" scene, I actually cried when Dom Merry started crying at the Grey Havens. Also, when Merry and Eowyn are about to go into battle in RotK? Dom has the exact same "staring death in the face" expression that he has in Lost. guh.

And now, a meme, because I was tagged by babybrothalova. :D

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

1. Sometimes adults that I've known all my life call me "Jenny-pop" because my dad made up the name "Jenny-popadopalos", and he used to call me "Jenny-pop" all the time. LOL!
2. I have been on a cruise to the Bahamas. 'Twas very fun. :D
3. I have two Return of the King posters, and neither of them have Billy or Dom on them. >.<
4. I've composed two songs, both of which are crap, and I'm still working (kind of on-and-off) on the ending to one of them.
5. I've never fired a gun, but I really really want to, at least once in my life. Although I did just have my first try at a BB gun on Friday, so that was cool. LOL
6. I have the bad habit of thinking everyone is an idiot, and I rarely change this opinion of people unless I'm proven wrong by the person in question. >.< For the record, I don't think you guys are idiots. *g* Just people in general.
7. I haven't seriously read Harry Potter fanfiction since I began reading LotR RPS. *facepalm* And there were some good WIPs I was reading, too! I'll have to get back to those....
8. 8 is my favorite number.

I tag...

rainbowcobweb darnit, Baby already tagged you! lol!!
rowenanienna (ps: what time are you in the computer lab on Tuesday?)

wow, coming up with 8 people was harder than I thought it would be. >.< So, do the meme if you'd like, or just ignore it if you feel so inclined.

dominic monaghan, lotr, tv: lost, random, school, rl, co-op: lotr lit, meme

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